
Ρίξτε μια ματιά στο βάθος της Τουρκίας. Εκεί όπου περιμένουν έτοιμοι οι νεκροθάφτες.
Ρίξτε μια ματιά στις δολοφονίες που γίνονται στα λύκεια. Οι μαθητές μας είναι έτοιμοι να σκοτώσουν.
Ρίξτε μια ματιά στους δρόμους. Οι οδηγοί μας είναι έτοιμοι να σκοτώσουν.
Ρίξτε μια ματιά στις αίθουσες των δικαστηρίων. Οι δικηγόροι μας είναι έτοιμοι να σκοτώσουν.
Ρίξτε μια ματιά στους θανάτους των προσφύγων. Τα φορτηγά μας είναι έτοιμα να σκοτώσουν.
Ρίξτε μια ματιά στις δολοφονίες της τιμής. Οι άντρες μας είναι έτοιμοι να σκοτώσουν.
Τι είδους μέλλον μπορείτε να ελπίζετε για μια κοινωνία που είναι βάναυση και άδικη όταν είναι ισχυρή, άθλια και ζητιάνα επιείκειας όταν χάνει τη δύναμή της, μια κοινωνία ξενόφοβη, άθλια και ανασφαλή, μια κοινωνία που δηλητηριάζει τον εαυτό της σαν το σκορπιό;
Ποτέ δεν θα έχουμε το δικαίωμα να διδάξουμε στον κόσμο το μάθημα της ειρήνης και της ελευθερίας. Ποτέ δεν το είχαμε εξάλλου το δικαίωμα αυτό. Και δεν θα το αποκτήσουμε ποτέ, όσο η θανάτωση αξίζει για μας περισσότερο από ό,τι η ζωή.
Δεν μπορούμε να ζήσουμε με θεωρίες συνωμοσίας. Ο άνθρωπος γεννιέται διάφανος.
Δεν μπορούμε να ζήσουμε με μίσος. Ο άνθρωπος γεννιέται για να ζήσει.
* Η Αϊσέ Ονάλ είναι δημοσιογράφος στην τουρκική ιστοσελίδα «gazetem.net»
Yπάρχουν και "άλλοι"Ανθρωποι απο δίπλα....αρκεί να τους ανακαλύψουμε και να τους προβάλουμε....(Είναι μια καλή λύση για την Νέα Δημοκρατία στη Θράκη,ε;.....)
Θα μπορουσε η Καραχασάν να μιλησει
σαν την Οναλ;;..
θα μπορουσε αραγε, ο καθενας απο εμας?
Eμεις παντως μπορουμε να
μιλαμε πιο ελευθερα...
απεναντι ειναι πιο
εκει τα λογια...κοστίζουν..
Οι μέρες της Αϊσέ Ονάλ είναι μετρημένες εκτός κι αν ο Παπανδρέου τη βάλει στο ψηφοδέλτιο επικρατείας.
Υπαρχουν και
Συγχρονες Γυναικες στη Δυτικη Θρακη...
Tο «πορτρέτο» πέντε γυναικών που τόλμησαν να περάσουν τις διαχωριστικές γραμμές)))))))))))
Oπως η κοινωνιολογος Dilek Habib
ΤΩΡΑ που λεμε για ΧΩΡΙΣΜΟ
- ....Ο μουφτής οφείλει να έχει θρησκευτικές και μόνο αρμοδιότητες. Στο πλαίσιο του διαλόγου για τη μεταρρύθμιση και τον διαχωρισμό εξουσιών κράτους και εκκλησίας θα μπορούσε, λοιπόν, να ενταχθεί και αυτό το ζήτημα!
Μου άρεσε το σχόλιο σου Morgana. Θα βρίσκαμε το θάρρος?
Σε ευχαριστώ Εργοτελίνα, για τα καλά σου λόγια και για τους προβληματισμούς που έθεσες. Πόσες Önal θέλουμε ακόμη, για να εδραιωθεί η ειρήνη στις ψυχές όλων των λαών?
Με θλίβει λίγο το γεγονός ότι ένα τέτοιο κείμενο δεν βρήκε την απήχηση και ανταπόκριση που περιμενα. Που μια τέτοια προσωπικότητα δεν έχει προβληθεί τόσο καιρό στην Ελλάδα. Που τόσοι blogger πρόσεξαν τις παπαρολογίες του Γιαννακίδη στο ένθετο της "Ε" και όχι ένα τέτοιο άρθρο στο Σαββατιάτικο φύλλο.
Fifteen Years of Courage: Ayse Onal
By Peggy Simpson
Ayse Onal still has a powerful voice on all things Turkish and, since winning the IWMF's Courage in Journalism Award in 1996, has won several other national and international awards.
Since 2003, she has written a column three times a week from London for Turkey’s third largest newspaper and has covered British news for a TV network owned by the same Turkish multinational media company.
In August 2004, she stirred the pot with her book on “honor killings” that was published in Turkey. An English version was released in London in September. In her book, entitled Why Did They Kill, Onal wrote about 10 case studies where women were killed by their brothers or fathers.
“Last year you weren’t able to talk about this in Turkey. The government didn’t talk about it. It was just a normal thing, like going to a pub … .” If a woman in a village that was not very modern began wearing modern clothes, “the men in the village kill her because they think it brought dishonor to them.”
Until recently, the men got off lightly under a law that considered honor killings somewhat equivalent to murders done in self-defense. The men profiled in her book “all were convinced they protected the honor of their families.” In most cases, if the men were arrested and convicted they often got only a month in prison. And society “considered it normal, thought it was the daughters’ fault.”
“But the law is changing and these honor killings are trying to be stopped — they’re not seen as normal any more,” Onal said.
of mid-June, 64 women had died this year in Turkey in honor killings, including 16 in Istanbul. She said this is a fraction of what it was for the same period before the law was changed.
Onal has been a controversial journalist most of her life. She was on the hit list of both the revolutionary left and the Islamic radicals. Her early kudos came from reports on prison abuse of children, but she went on to cover the first Gulf War, the war in Bosnia and the evolving political situation of the Kurds. She rattled the Turkish government by many reports about corruption and in the mid-1990s officials put her on a black list, which effectively barred her from employment in any media controlled by the government. That “embargo” against her was lifted right before she got the Courage Award but she was still seen as almost unemployable.
When she returned with the international award in hand, however, the country’s first Islamic network, Channel 7, hired her to anchor a new political show, partly to draw upon her rich mix of sources across the political spectrum, but also to back her vision of a groundbreaking program aiming to show that “Muslims and non-Muslims, in a modern society, could get along.”
She invited Jews and Armenians to share a podium with Turks. It broke the isolation of all three groups and began to be emulated by other channels. The show, called Minefield, was 45 minutes in prime time, five times a week. She did it nonstop for two years, until the summer of 1997.
She took time off to care for her daughter, who lost a leg and an arm in a train accident, and, in 2000, moved with her to London to seek better medical care.
After moving to London, Onal became foreign correspondent for Channel 7. When their political party won control of the government and the network became less independent, she joined the private Turkish media group, Karamehmet. She writes a column for the newspaper Aksam and covers British news for its Show TV channel.
And she began to report on a myriad of issues involving Muslims: “terrorism issues, conflicts between Muslims and Christians and oppressed Muslim women.”
She sees it as a conflict that cuts many ways.
On one hand, she criticizes the U.S. invasion of Iraq, even if it got rid of a tyrant. She protests the U.S. abuse of prisoners and suspected terrorists. She also criticizes Palestinian terrorists.
She said that “modern society should take steps to stop Muslims from blaming everything wrong on Western countries” and should “start to face themselves and the problems with their own society.”
That’s a hard sell when the U.S. presence in Iraq is so inflammatory, she said. Once the United Nations assumes more of a role there, she hopes the debate on reforms can begin anew.
“If leaders start telling their own people what is wrong with their society, maybe people will believe them,” she said, adding that this message is rejected when it comes from Western countries.
Onal said that the Courage Award came at a critical crossroads in her life and influenced her next steps, professionally and personally.
It meant a lot to find “that there actually were other people who were doing what they thought was right,” she said. She also realized that she was not alone.
She was surprised to learn “that in the United States, there are people who are rich and who live comfortably, who don’t need to do anything about poor people, but who actually do care about them. That affected me. The rich don’t have any contact with the poor in Turkey,” she said.
Onal took those insights back to Turkey and used them to shape her groundbreaking Channel 7 show, which challenged the racial isolation of Turks from minorities.
The Courage Award also opened her eyes to see that “the suffering and sadness of people does not have a nationality but is a common thing around the world.”
Today, with her daughter educated and, at 25, ready to take a job, Onal is preparing to move back to Turkey. She will keep her column and hopes to keep one foot in television.
Her current challenge, she said, is looking intensively at two major issues: disabled people and “women and their role in the world today, especially Muslim women ... . Because if women in society start to improve themselves, the countries will be improved. And religion will be reformed.”
Fifteen Years of Courage: Ayse Onal
By Peggy Simpson
International Women's Media Foundation
Arka bahçe cinayetleri
Türkiye’nin arka bahçesine bakınız. Mezar kazıcıların hazır beklediği arka bahçeye.
Lise cinayetlerine bakınız, bizim çocuklarımız başkalarını öldürmeye hazırlar.
Trafik cinayetlerine bakınız, bizim sürücülerimiz başkalarını öldürmeye hazırlar.
Yargı salonlarına bakınız, bizim avukatlarımız başkalarını öldürmeye hazırlar.
Mülteci ölümlerine bakınız, bizim tırlarımız başkalarını öldürmeye hazırlar.
Namus cinayetlerine bakınız, bizim erkeklerimiz başkalarını öldürmeye hazırlar.
Öldürmeye linç etmeye ve kendimizi hala masum saymaya neden bu kadar meyilli olduğumuzu düşündünüz mü hiç? Çünkü her cinayetten masum çıkıyoruz. Çünkü her cinayette Türk olmayı aklayan bir sihir var. Ülkenin her yüzünde öldürmeye dair bir çağrı var. Ülkenin her yüzünde eğer sen ölen değil öldürensen kurban üstünden kariyer var.
Başkalarını öldürmeye bu kadar hazır olmak bir toplumun ortak değeri olabilir mi? Evet. Her ölümden sonra gururla kınına sokarız tabancamızı. Çünkü komplo cinayetimizi aklamıştır. Herkesin komplosu kendisinedir. Her cinayetten sonra karşı tarafa yapışacak bir komplo sunumu mevcuttur.
Vatandaşlık anlayışını tartışmazsak eğer, vatandaşlıktan öldürmeye hazır Türk olmayı anlarsak eğer yaşamayı nasıl değerli kılabiliriz? Öldürmenin yaşatmaktan değerli olduğu toplumlarda liselileri nasıl itham edebiliriz? Bu kadar kolay nasıl bomba bulduklarını, nasıl tabanca edindiklerini, nasıl tam hedeften vurabildikleri, nasıl gözlerini bile kırpmayabildiklerini nasıl anlayabiliriz ki?
Öldürmenin hazzı hukuku rehin aldığında adaletten kim söz edebilir ki?
Kanunlara uyan insanlar, suçlu olmanın masum olmaktan daha çok itibar getirdiği toplumda, suçluya mazeret bulma ve onu koruma kararlığını hukukun ikincil amacı değil, tam tersine adaletin özü haline getirmişsek, adaletin özü öldürmek, linç etmek olduğunda neden masum kalmak istesin ki masum bir liseli… Her zaman linç eden kalabalığa katılmak, karşı durmaktan daha kolay ve güvenlidir.
İfade özgürlüğünden İnsanları hedef yapmayı anlayan bir ülke de, herkesin düşündüğünü değil nefretini kustuğu, şiddet ve cinayete teşvikten sorumlu olduğu bu ülkede, öldüreni değil öleni suçlu bulan adalet anlayışı ölümün kendisinden daha ölümcül değil midir?
Rahip Santaro'nun ölümünü hatırlayınız. Homoseksüel ve misyoner olduğu için ölümün nasıl da hak etmişti. Nasıl utanmadan bir din adamanı kirletmenin gazindan cani bir toplum hazırlamak gücünü elde etmiştik.
Elinde en ufak bir delil olmadan bu küstah cahil ve fütursuz analizle nasıl da rahat ettirmiştik öldürenin vicdanını.. Mafyanın kol gezdiği, kapkaççıların insanları sürükleyerek ölüme taşıdığı bir ülkede yaşadığımızdan mı, Hıristiyan bir din adamını değil cinayeti masum buluyoruz? Misyonerlik gazını sabırla damarlarımıza doldururlarken her taşın altına komplo koyarak vicdanlarımızı rahatlatırken, şüphelerden elde edilen bu hasta toplum kimin işine yarayacak?
Din adamlarını öldürüp ama eşcinseldi, kadınları öldürüp ama fahişeydi, mültecileri öldürüp ama Afganlıydı, liselileri öldürüp ama âşıktı dedikçe cehennemin ateşi harlanmıyor mu?
Gücü yerinde iken zalim ve adaletsiz, gücünü kaybettiğinde merhamet dilencisi ve sefil, zenofobik, fukara ve güvensiz! Bir akrep gibi kendisini kendi eliyle zehirleyen bu toplumdan hangi geleceği bekliyorsunuz?
Dünyaya asla barış ve hürriyet dersi verme hakkımız olmayacak! Buna zaten hiç sahip olmamıştık. Öldürmeyi yaşatmaktan değerli saydıkça asla sahip olmayacağız.
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Türkiye’nin arka bahçesine bakınız -Gazatem.net
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