Wednesday, May 03, 2006

ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ Χ 3(Viaggio in Sicilia)

ομοίως τω αλέκτορι...
ος μάχεται τω συγγενεί...
των ποδών..η..Αρετή!...........
ει μη Στάσις Αντιάνειρα..Κνωσίας σ έτεμνε Μητρίδος!...........
Νυν δ' Ολυμπία Στεφανωσάμενος και δίς εκ Πυθώνος...Ισθμοί τ ...............Εργότελες!!...............
...........Θερμά Νυμφών λουτρά βαστάζεις!..........
............Ομιλέων παρ' οικείαις αρούραις...........
Διο,ημείς οι Κνώσιοι..οι Κρήτες γενικώτερον!
Και Μίσος...Αποθώμεν!..
Μη εκ τόπου φύγοιεν.....
Νέοι Εργοτέλειοι

Και ΣΥ!..γιε του Φιλάνορα..
παρόμοια με...κόκκορα..
που μάχετ' ασταμάτητα..
στην....αυλή του...
άγνωστη..άδοξη..θά μενε!..
των ποδιών σου η γρηγοράδα!..
Αν απ την Κνωσό!..Εμφύλια Διαμάχη δε σ απέκοβε!!...
Τώρα στην.....Ολυμπία!..Στεφάνι..πήρες!
Δυό φορές στα Πύθια!..
και στον Ισθμό ακόμα!...Εργοτέλη!!
Τώρα σε χώρα φιλόξενη ζεις...
Λαμπρύνεις τα Θερμά Νερά!
........***...........Νερ@ιδων στα Υψη!!........***........
..........Γι αυτο και μεις απ την Κνωσο!.............
............Και Ολοι δα οι Κρητικοι!................
..........Αγαπημενοι να μαστε!...........
...Ορθανοιχτα τα ματια μας!!...
.....μη...φυγουν..απ τον τοπο μας!.....




Ecumene said...

Tης Σικελίας...

Ολοκληρος ο Υμνος
Olympian 12
For Ergoteles of Himera Long Foot Race 466, B. C,...............

I entreat you, child of Zeus the Deliverer, saving Fortune, keep protecting Himera, and make her powerful. For by your favor swift ships are steered on the sea, and on dry land rushing battles and assemblies where counsel is given. But men's expectations are often tossed up and then back down, as they cleave the waves of vain falsehood.Never yet has any man on earth found a reliable token of what will happen from the gods. Our understanding of the future is blind. And therefore many things fall out for men contrary to their judgement, bringing to some reversal of delight, while others, having encountered grievous storms, in a short time exchange their troubles for high success.. >>>>>>>> Son of Philanor, truly, like a cock that fights at home, even the fame of your swift feet would have shed its leaves ingloriously beside your native hearth, if hostile civil strife had not deprived you of your Cnossian fatherland. But as things are, Ergoteles, having been crowned with garlands at Olympia, and twice from Pytho, and at the Isthmus, you exalt the hot baths of the Nymphs, while keeping company with them beside your own fields.

Pindar. Odes.

Ecumene said...

Τύχη,Σωτήρια,του Λυτρωτή Δία κόρη,
προστάτευε,παρακαλώ την δοξασμένη πόλη της Ιμέρας.Συ και στη θάλασσα τα πλοία κυβερνάς,και στην ξηρά σκληρούς πολέμους,και τις ειρηνικές λαοσυνάξεις.
Παρόμοια και οι ελπίδες των ανθρώπων..
άλλοτε αναπηδούν κι άλλοτε πέφτουν,όταν ορέγονται είδωλα πλάνα..
Ο θνητός να προφητεύει δεν μπορεί.
Ο Θεός δεν επιτρέπει σε κανένα να γνωρίζει..τι πρόκειται στο μέλλον να συμβεί.ΤΥΦΛΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΜΕΛΛΟΝΤΟΣ ΦΩΝΕΣ...
Πολλά ειναι τα αναπάντεχα,τα απρόβλεπτα συχνά.Αιφνίδια χαρά σε ζώνει..κι άλλοτε πάλι στης θλίψης το κύμα..μια ευτυχία ανέλπιστη,ξάφνου προβάλλει~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Και ΣΥ!..γιε του Φιλάνορα..
παρόμοια με...κόκκορα..
που μάχετ' ασταμάτητα..
στην....αυλή του...
άγνωστη..άδοξη..θά μενε!..
των ποδιών σου η γρηγοράδα!..
Αν απ την Κνωσό!..Εμφύλια Διαμάχη δε σ απέκοβε!!...
Τώρα στην.....Ολυμπία!..Στεφάνι..πήρες!
Δυό φορές στα Πύθια!..
και στον Ισθμό ακόμα!...Εργοτέλη!!
Τώρα σε χώρα φιλόξενη ζεις...
Λαμπρύνεις τα Θερμά Νερά!
........***...........Νεράιδων στα Υψη!!........***........
..........Γι αυτο και μεις απ την Κνωσό!.............
............Και Ολοι δα οι Κρητικοί!................
..........Αγαπημενοι να μαστε!...........
...Ορθάνοιχτα τα μάτια μας!!...
.....μη...φύγουν..απ τον τόπο μας!.....

Anonymous said...

Πανέμορφη ιστοσελίδα.
Είμαι ένας ταμιωλακης από το Λασιθι ζω όμως και εργάζομαι στη Θεσσαλονίκη.
Το έχετε κάθε σχόλιο

Ecumene said...

Tαμιωλάκης!...του Παπατζιρίτη;;..


Ecumene said...

Ergoteles, the son of Philaron of Knossos of Crete, was banished by his political opponents. He sought refuge in Himera of Sicily and won the dolichos(race ~5.οοο m) as an Himerian at Olympia, the Pythian Games (Delphi), at Nemea and at Isthmia.

This poem uses images that represent both the upside and downside of
Fortune, from the grand "swift ships" and "fierce wars" that go forth under
her name, to the "waves of baffling falsity" that men are forced to battle
every day because of the uncertainty and blindness of fate. The images
involving waves and water give the feel of the tossing and turning of fate.
Pindar recognizes that of the good and bad fortune bestowed upon the
people of Himera, this is an example of a divine favor, and repeatedly
thanks Fortune for her hand in Egoteles' victory.

Ecumene said...

Eu te peço, criança de Zeus o Entregador, Fortuna econômica, continua protegendo Himera e a faz poderoso. Para por seu favor são guiados navios rápidos no mar, e em terra seca que apressa batalhas e assembléias onde deliberação é determinada. Mas as expectativas de homens são lançadas freqüentemente para cima e então desiste, como eles partem as ondas de falsidade vã. nunca contudo tem qualquer homem em terra ache um símbolo seguro do que acontecerá dos deuses. Nossa compreensão do futuro é cega. e então muitos fal de coisas caem para homens ao contrário do julgamento deles, trazendo a alguma reversão de delícia, enquanto outros, tendo encontrado tempestades dolorosas, em pouco tempo troca as dificuldades delas para sucesso alto.

Filho de Philanor, verdadeiramente, como um galo que luta em casa, até mesmo a fama de seus pés rápidos teria derramado suas folhas ingloriosamente ao lado de seu forno nativo, se discussão civil hostil não o tivesse privado de sua pátria de Cnossos. Mas como são coisas, Ergoteles, tida coroada com guirlandas a Olympia, e duas vezes de Pytho, e ao Istmo, você exalta os banhos quentes das Ninfas, enquanto mantendo companhia com eles ao lado de seus próprios campos.


Ecumene said...

Τhat 's why,we the Cnosseans
all the Cretans furthermore
may love each another
Open our eyes should be
in order to avoid
young like Ergόteles
leaving our homeland

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