Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wish upon a Leonids Rainfall-Βροχή Λεοντιδών

The annual Leonid meteor shower could produce a strong outburst this weekend for residents of the North America and Western Europe.

A brief surge of activity is expected begin around 11:45 p.m. ET Saturday, Nov. 18. In Europe, that corresponds to early Sunday morning, Nov. 19 at 4:45 GMT. The outburst could last up to two hours.

At the peak, people in these favorable locations could see up to 150 shooting stars per hour, or more than two per minute.

"We expect an outburst of more than 100 Leonids per hour," said Bill Cooke, the head of
NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office.(Yahoo)

A whole year waiting for a stary "rendez-vous" ** We all went for Leonids 2002**
but jealous moon and clouds pulled by a windy rope**
Stroke with my head and my eyes, distilling my hope.

You flourish and vanish, but hey ! I saw you twice ! ** One to ten thousand miles, for one hour or two** Leonids, Leonids, you who inspire my rhyme** Leonids, Leonids, I wish I could know you. **

You vagabond of the Sun, how long will you hide ?** Unlike the Gaul, I'm waiting for the sky to kiss ** On the circle of the Earth you made me ride** Cause the only fear I feel is for you to miss.** And 'till the end of my life I'll remember you** But are you the last, Leonids 2002 ?

Jérémie VAUBAILLON, 22/11/2002, Paris, France(Astropoetry) very popular in Romania thanks to SARM, leaded by Valentin Grigore and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe

Eric S. Young, an artist and graphic designer, has been an amateur astronomer for years. Other samples of his artwork you can found at his web site.


Ecumene said...

"...and the seven judges of hell ... raised their torches, lighting the land with their livid flame. A stupor of despair went up to heaven when the god of the storm turned daylight into darkness, when he smashed the land like a cup."

-- An account of the Deluge from the Epic of Gilgamesh, circa 2200 B.C.
If you are fortunate enough to see the storm of shooting stars predicted for the Nov. 18 peak of the Leonid meteor shower, you'll be watching a similar but considerably less powerful version of events which some scientists say brought down the world's first civilizations.
The root of both: debris from a disintegrating comet.
Biblical stories, apocalyptic visions, ancient art and scientific data all seem to intersect at around 2350 B.C., when one or more catastrophic events wiped out several advanced societies in Europe, Asia and -->

Increasingly, some scientists suspect comets and their associated meteor storms were the cause. History and culture provide clues: Icons and myths surrounding the alleged cataclysms persist in cults and religions today and even fuel terrorism.
And a newly found 2-mile-wide crater in Iraq, spotted serendipitously in a perusal of satellite images, could provide a smoking gun. The crater's discovery, which was announced in a recent issue of the journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science, is a preliminary finding. Scientists stress that a ground expedition is needed to determine if the landform was actually carved out by an impact.
Yet the crater has already added another chapter to an intriguing overall story that is, at best, loosely bound. Many of the pages are washed away or buried. But several plot lines converge in conspicuous ways.
Too many coincidences
Archeological findings show that in the space of a few centuries, many of the first sophisticated civilizations disappeared. The Old Kingdom in Egypt fell into ruin. The Akkadian culture of Iraq, thought to be the world's first empire, collapsed. The settlements of ancient Israel, gone. Mesopotamia, Earth's original breadbasket, dust.
Around the same time -- a period called the Early Bronze Age -- apocalyptic writings appeared, fueling religious beliefs that persist today.
The Epic of Gilgamesh describes the fire, brimstone and flood of possibly mythical events. Omens predicting the Akkadian collapse preserve a record that "many stars were falling from the sky." The "Curse of Akkad," dated to about 2200 B.C., speaks of "flaming potsherds raining from the sky."

Roughly 2000 years later, the Jewish astronomer Rabbi bar Nachmani created what could be considered the first impact theory: That Noah's Flood was triggered by two "stars" that fell from the sky. "When God decided to bring about the Flood, He took two stars from Khima, threw them on Earth, and brought about the Flood."

Another thread was woven into the tale when, in 1650, the Irish Archbishop James Ussher mapped out the chronology of the Bible -- a feat that included stringing together all the "begats" to count generations -- and put Noah's great flood at 2349 B.C.

All coincidence?

A number of scientists don't think so.

Mounting hard evidence collected from tree rings, soil layers and even dust that long ago settled to the ocean floor indicates there were widespread environmental nightmares in the Near East during the Early Bronze Age: Abrupt cooling of the climate, sudden floods and surges from the seas, huge earthquakes.

Comets, Meteors & Myth: New Evidence for Toppled Civilizations and Biblical Tales

By Robert Roy Britt (SPACE.COM)read more

Ecumene said...

…….Μια από τις πιο εντυπωσιακες οικογένειες είναι αυτή των Λεοντιδών, επειδή έχει τους λαμπρότερους διάττοντες αστέρες. Αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό των Λεοντιδών οφείλεται στο γεγονός ότι η τροχιά του κομήτη Τέμπελ-Τατλ, από τον οποίο προέρχονται οι Λεοντίδες, έχει αντίθετη φορά από αυτήν της Γης. Ετσι τα συντρίμια του, τα οποία ακολουθούν την ίδια τροχιά με αυτήν του κομήτη, συγκρούονται με τη Γη μετωπικά με ταχύτητα που φθάνει τα 70 km/s. Η ταχύτητα αυτή είναι διπλάσια από αυτήν των άλλων διαττόντων, με αποτέλεσμα να αναπτύσσεται μεγαλύτερη θερμοκρασία λόγω τριβής και να φωτοβολούν πιο έντονα…………..

Μέχρι στιγμής μόνο ένας δορυφόρος έχει καταστραφεί από βροχή διαττόντων, το 1993. Για αυτόν το λόγο πολλοί δορυφόροι τίθενται προσωρινά, για προληπτικούς λόγους, εκτός λειτουργίας κατά τη διάρκεια που προβλέπεται το μέγιστο της δραστηριότητας της βροχής των μετεώρων…………

………….Το 2002, οι ειδικοί προβλέπουν εντυπωσιακή βροχή διαττόντων, η οποία αυτή τη φορά θα είναι ορατή και από την Ελλάδα. Δυστυχώς όμως, την κρίσιμη ημέρα θα έχουμε πανσέληνο, γεγονός που αναμένεται να περιορίσει κάπως το φαινόμενο.

E-physics 2001-2002

Belinha Fernandes said...

Once I satyed awake wiating for shooting stars!!!I only saw one and I gave up and went to bed really angry!!!Aahha!

(I would love to have collaborations from other countries but I know many people from Barsil and for a long time. I'm expecting a collaboration from Spain...)

Have a ice weekend!!:-)

Anonymous said...

στην Κυπρο θα φανουνε?

μαλλον οχι:(

(δεν ειμαστε western europe oυτε γεωγραφικα ουτε αλλιώς)

Ecumene said...

To be awake or not to be?....


Let's do the "Romance Duty"

I wish a falling star could fall forever
And sparkle through the clouds and stormy weather
And in the darkness of the night
The star would shine a glimmering light
And hover above our love

Please hold me close and whisper that you love me
And promise that your dreams are only of me
When you are near, everything’s clear
Earth is a beautiful heaven
Always I hope that we follow the star
And be forever floating above

I know a falling star can’t fall forever
But let’s never stop falling in love

When you are near, everything’s clear
Earth is a beautiful heaven
Always I hope that we shine like the star
And be forever floating above

I know a falling star can’t fall forever
And let’s never stop falling in love
No let’s never stop falling in love

Pink Martini- Let's Never Stop Falling in Love

China Forbes sings


ci said...

Απολαυστικό ποστ, ο καλύτερος τρόπος να ξεκινήσει το σερφάρισμα:)
Τελικά άντεξα μέχρι τις 3 περίπου!

dodo said...

Όποιος είδε την βροχή τών αστεριών, ας μάς την περιγράψει.
Οι υπόλοιποι, θα αρκεσθούμε στην φαντασία μας...

Ecumene said...



Ούτε τα κανάλια δεν είπαν τίποτα...

Ουτε είδα τίποτα...Κατα τις 5 το πρωί
θα φαινόταν στην Ελλάδα..



Leonids 2001 Meteor Gallery: Page 1

trol said...

just make the wish :) still counts

trol said...

the photos....whoahh. beautiful

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