Thursday, November 30, 2006

Tis Arnis to neró-Της Αρνης το Νερό(Stávros Siólas-Live)


Ah tis Árnis to neró, tis arnisiás,tis arnisiás i vrísi
Ah, tis
Άrnis to neró, to ipjes ke,to ipjes ke me arnithis
Ah, aghapi mu, sta hjíli stáxe na to pjó,tis
Άrnis to pikró neró
Ki an se xeháso, an se arnithó,ke páli eséna ama se dhó
Ki an se xeháso, an se arnithó ke páli eséna tha aghapó
Ah, tis lithis to stenó, to pérases To pérases ki eháthis
...Ki an se xeháso, an se arnithó,ke páli eséna ama se dhó,ki an se xeháso, an se arnithó ke páli eséna tha aghapó

Ah! The Water of Arne,the fountain of Oblivion.The Water of Arni
you drank and denied me.Ah,my Love,sprinkle my lips to drink
the bitter water of Arne.And If I forget you,if I deny you
Seeing you once more,I will be loving you again
Ah,you passed the narrow road of Lethe

you passed it and lost ....
And If I forget you,if I deny you,seeing you once more,I will be loving you again

Winner of Thessalonica Song Festival November 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Leyla-Hari Mata Hari-Hajrudin Varešanović

Niz polje vjetar miriše(Down the field a scent of wind))i bol me prati kao sjena( and pain follows me like a shadow)Da l' negdje za mnom uzdišeš?(Are you sighing for me somewhere?)Gdje si od mene sakrivena?( Where are you hidden from me? )u kosu stavi ruzmarin(Put rosemary in your hair)i jedan cvijet kraj šadrvana(and a flower from an old fountain)Lejla, zar bi mogla ti, drugog voljeti?( Layla,could you ever love another?)

Ako te sutra zaprose(if they make you a proposal,tomorrow) znaj tamo neču biti ja(Know that I won't be there)Lako se tuge oproste( Sorrow is easy to forgive)Al' samo ljubav nikada( But love is not forgiven, ever)Zar bi mogla ti drugog voljeti?(How could you ever love another?)

Golube, moj golube(dove,my dove) nosi joj suze mjesto pjesme(bring her my tears instead of songs)Ja odlazim, kao da sam kriv,što voljeh onu koju ne sm'jem.Golube, moj golube, nosi joj suze mjesto pjesme.Odlazim kao da sam kriv(Now I leave alone as if guilty)što voljeh tebe(for loving you) koju ne sm'jem( whom I am not allowed)Što voljeh tebe(For loving you)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Lane moje-My little deer(Željko Joksimović)

Kad' na te pomislim/ When I think of you
Bojim se da te opet zavolim/ I'm afraid of loving you again
U modre usne zarijem zube/ I sink my teeth into my blue lips
Da pravu bol zaboravim/ To forget the real pain

Lane moje, ovih dana/ My fawn, these days
Više i ne tugujem/ I don't even wallow in sorrow any more
Pitam samo da l' si sama/ I only ask if you are alone
Ljude koje ne čujem/ People I can't hear

Lane moje, noćas kreni/ My fawn(lassie) go away tonight
Nije važno bilo s kim/ It's not important, with anyone
Nađi nekog nalik meni/ Find someone who resembles me
Da te barem ne volim/ So at least I won't love you

(Nek' neko drugi usne ti ljubi)/ (May someone else kiss your lips)
(Da tebe lakše prebolim)/ (So I can get over you more easily)

Lane moje, ovih dana (Lane moje)/ My fawn, these days (My fawn)
Više i ne tugujem (Lane moje)/ I don't even wallow in sorrow any more
Pitam samo da l' si sama/ I only ask if you are alone
Ljude koje ne čujem/ People I can't hear

Lane moje, noćas kreni (Lane moje)/ My fawn, leave tonight (My fawn)
Nije važno bilo s' kim/ It's not important, with anyone
Nađi nekog nalik meni/ Find someone who resembles me
Da te barem ne volim/ So at least I won't love you
Da te više ne volim/ So I will no longer love you

2th place for Serbia-Montenegro

The Moral Winner of Istanbul Eurovision 2004(Live-Uživo)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Ima nešto u tom što me nećeš{Željko Joksimović}

Ima nešto u tom što me nećeš(there is something there that you don't want me)ostavljaš mi vremena za druge(you leave me a long time for others)Gledam kako veselo se krećeš(I see how you move happily)kao leptir oko moje tuge(like a butterfly around my sadness)Ima nešto u tom što me nećeš,nešto čemu sama ne znaš ime(something of which you don't even know the name)a sve znači - ne zaboravi me(but it all means "Don't forget me")Ima nešto u tom š to me nećeš,od te laži načisto umreću(because of your lies,I am really dying)Ima nešto u tome što me neceš,i u tome što ja tebe neću(there is something there that you don't want me and something that I denounce you)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

#10 Minutes#-Antiwar film of Ahmed Imamovic for Sarajevo Siege

This short film, as its title indicates lasts only 10 minutes, but it tells a much longer story which unravels only in our imagination upon seeing the end of the film. While 10 minutes in someone's life mean nothing, they can be fatal in another: a boy and his loving family, tragedy in a war-torn city, death and destruction. All in just ten minutes. The film follows two simultaneous story lines: one set in Rome, and one in Sarajevo, in 1994, the worst time of the war in Bosnia.(more)
Ahmed Imamovic was born in 1971.He studied philosophy and cinema in Sarajevo.(more).DESET MINUTA(10 Minutes) won the "best european short film award" in 2002

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Films about the Hungarian Revolution 1956

1.Szabadság, Szerelem(Freedom and Love) Children of Glory(Blood in the water Match)
2.Freedoms's Fury(producer Quentin Tarantino)
3.The Red and The White by Miklós Jancsó ))) Amazon
4.Budakeszi sracók
5.Torn from the Flag Documentary film
{The Hungaria Revolution in photos}

(((The 16 Demands of the Hungarian Students)))

Tribute to Ferenc Puskás
fled to West,among other 200.000 Hungarians(ο Μύθος του Καλπάζοντος Συνταγματάρχη)

(Η Ουγγρική Επανάσταση από Pathfinder)
(Ο Μύθος του Κομμουνισμού)
(Oυγγρική Αντεπανάσταση απο Ιndymedia)

Bargaining went on throughout the night. Churchill wrote on a scrap of paper that Stalin had a 90 percent "interest" in Romania, Britain a 90 percent "interest" in Greece, both Russia and Britain a 50 percent interest in Yugoslavia. When they got to Italy, Stalin ceded that country to Churchill. The crucial questions arose when the Ministers of Foreign Affairs discussed "percentages" in Eastern Europe. Molotov's proposals were that Russia should have a 75 percent interest in Hungary, 75 percent in Bulgaria, and 60 percent in Yugoslavia. This was Stalin's price for ceding Italy and Greece. Eden tried to haggle: Hungary 75/25, Bulgaria 80/20, but Yugoslavia 50/50. After lengthy bargaining they settled on an 80/20 division of interest between Russia and Britain in Bulgaria and Hungary, and a 50/50 division in Yugoslavia. U.S. Ambassador Harriman was informed only after the bargain was struck. This gentleman's agreement was sealed with a handshake.(Stalin biography by Edvard Radzinsky)

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wish upon a Leonids Rainfall-Βροχή Λεοντιδών

The annual Leonid meteor shower could produce a strong outburst this weekend for residents of the North America and Western Europe.

A brief surge of activity is expected begin around 11:45 p.m. ET Saturday, Nov. 18. In Europe, that corresponds to early Sunday morning, Nov. 19 at 4:45 GMT. The outburst could last up to two hours.

At the peak, people in these favorable locations could see up to 150 shooting stars per hour, or more than two per minute.

"We expect an outburst of more than 100 Leonids per hour," said Bill Cooke, the head of
NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office.(Yahoo)

A whole year waiting for a stary "rendez-vous" ** We all went for Leonids 2002**
but jealous moon and clouds pulled by a windy rope**
Stroke with my head and my eyes, distilling my hope.

You flourish and vanish, but hey ! I saw you twice ! ** One to ten thousand miles, for one hour or two** Leonids, Leonids, you who inspire my rhyme** Leonids, Leonids, I wish I could know you. **

You vagabond of the Sun, how long will you hide ?** Unlike the Gaul, I'm waiting for the sky to kiss ** On the circle of the Earth you made me ride** Cause the only fear I feel is for you to miss.** And 'till the end of my life I'll remember you** But are you the last, Leonids 2002 ?

Jérémie VAUBAILLON, 22/11/2002, Paris, France(Astropoetry) very popular in Romania thanks to SARM, leaded by Valentin Grigore and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe

Eric S. Young, an artist and graphic designer, has been an amateur astronomer for years. Other samples of his artwork you can found at his web site.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

O Mίμης Ανδρουλάκης συζητά με Μίκη Θεοδωράκη και Στέλιο Κούλογλου

(((1.Mp3.Μikis Theodorakis radio-talk with Mimis Androulakis(with music of Mikis )Ακούγεται και ο Μίμης να τραγουδά το

Μοιρολόι της βροχής βράδυ Κυριακής πού γυρίζεις μονάχος ούτε πόρτα να μπεις, πέτρα να σταθείς κι όπου πας χλωμό παιδί ο καϋμός σου στη γωνιά σε καρτερεί.Παλληκάρι χλωμό μεσ' το καπηλειό απομείναμε οι δυό μας ο καϋμός σου βραχνάς, πάψε να πονάς η ζωή γοργά περνά δυό κρασιά, δυό στεναγμοί κι έχε γειά.Παλληκάρι χλωμό σε ήβραμε νεκρό στο παλιό σταυροδρόμι μοιρολόι η βροχή, μαύρα π΄αντηχεί στο καλό, πικρό παιδί σαν τη μάγισσα σε πήρε η Κυριακή.(ΤΑ ΛΥΡΙΚΑ)

2.Λοιπόν εγώ τελειώνω το γυμνάσιο στον Άγιο Νικόλαο Κρήτης και παρόλο που είχα πάρει βραβείο με την Αθηναϊκή Εταιρεία να πάω έξω ήρθα στην Αθήνα για να ανατρέψουμε τη χούντα, με αυτό το πάθος ήρθα....

Το μεγάλο λοιπόν ερώτημα τότε ήτανε που θα πάει η αντίσταση. Έκανε ο Παναγούλης την ενέργεια και τι βγήκε; Ήτανε ας πούμε μια συμβολική χειρονομία. Που θα πάμε, στου Παναγούλη το δρόμο ξέρω ’γώ; Δεν έβλεπα φως. Ήτανε οι αστοί ξέρω ’γω οι δημοκράτες, σεβαστή κατά τα άλλα η Δημοκρατική Άμυνα, βάζανε μια βόμβα παίρνανε το BBC έσκασε η βόμβα και αυτό τι απήχηση είχε στον κόσμο;

Τότε λοιπόν μέσα στους κύκλους της αντίστασης, δηλαδή κυρίως αριστεροί φοιτητές αλλά και εργάτες όλων των αποκλίσεων και των παρεκκλίσεων από όλα τα ρεύματα, κυρίως όμως ελευθεριακοί αριστεροί δεν ανήκανε πουθενά και θέλανε ένα καινούριο ξεκίνημα. Τότε λοιπόν υπήρξε μία μεγάλη συζήτηση και ζύμωση μέσα στα μαύρα χρόνια της χούντας που θα πάμε. Δυο ήτανε βασικά οι γραμμές τότε σε μας ειδικά. Θα πάμε προς το αντάρτικο ή αντάρτικο πόλεων; Ή θα προσανατολιστούμε σε ένα μαζικό λαϊκό κίνημα κατά της χούντας ξεκινώντας από μικρά αιτήματα;.... ...υπήρξε και μια σύγκρουση μέσα στο πολυτεχνείο για την κατεύθυνση του αγώνα. Ορισμένοι νομίζανε ότι ήμαστε στη Σορβόννη ξέρω΄γω ή στο… και τα μπερδέψανε ξέρω΄γω.

Ενώ εδώ πέρα ήτανε τελείως άλλη κατάσταση, εδώ είχαμε χούντα, δεν ήτανε το πρόβλημα της ανανέωσης και του εκσυγχρονισμού της ώριμης καπιταλιστικής δημοκρατικής κοινωνίας, σαχλαμάρες δηλαδή. Και λέγανε κάτω το κεφάλαιο, κάντε έρωτα και τρίχες να πούμε. Εκεί υπήρξε μια ψιλοσύγκρουση αλλά τελικά η Συντονιστική Επιτροπή του πολυτεχνείου επέβαλε τον χαρακτήρα του αγώνα ότι είναι λαϊκή κυριαρχία δημοκρατία εθνική ανεξαρτησία και αυτά. Όχι τα υπεραριστερίστικα που θα απομονώνανε το πολυτεχνείο από το λαό....

Και να μην κλαιγόμαστε τώρα εκ των υστέρων και να έχουμε την μοδάτη κατήφεια των διανοουμένων ότι κάτι σπουδαίο θα κάναμε, θα αλλάζαμε την κοινωνία και ότι τελικά δεν δικαιώθηκαν. Δικαιώθηκαν οι αγώνες μας, δημιουργήσαμε μια καινούρια Ελλάδα δημοκρατική, ανοιχτή, πολιτισμένη, είναι στην Ευρώπη, εντάξει. Τι θέλαμε, δηλαδή τι θα κάναμε ας πούμε; Θα εφαρμόζαμε την ουτοπία και λοιπά; Οι ουτοπίες όλες οδηγούν σε εφιάλτες. Καλύτερα είμαστε έτσι.

Τέλειωσε όμως και αυτό το παιχνίδι, εντάξει. Προσφέραμε, ολοκληρώθηκε, νέα κινήματα χρειάζονται, άλλα χαρακτηριστικά. Η επανάληψη και η μίμηση διαρκώς του πολυτεχνείου ή του Μάη ας πούμε δεν οδηγεί πουθενά. Δηλαδή πρέπει να ξεφύγουμε απ΄ αυτόν τον κύκλο της κατήφειας ας πούμε της μοδάτης μελαγχολίας νοσταλγών των μεγάλων γεγονότων ξέρω΄γω. Όχι, αυτό ήτανε. Πάντα υπάρχει κάτι στα κινήματα και στις επαναστάσεις που ξεπερνά τις προθέσεις και τις ψευδαισθήσεις των πρωταγωνιστών τους.

Ο Μάης του ΄68 ήθελε να αλλάξει την κοινωνία. Τι κατάφερε; Ανανέωσε τον ίδιο τον καπιταλισμό, τον έκανε καινούριο, άνοιξε την αγορά.Είναι κι αυτό μια πρόοδος.Κι εμείς θέλαμε να φέρουμε τον σοσιαλισμό και δημιουργήσαμε μια μοντέρνα σύγχρονη,πιό δημοκρατική,πιό ανοιχτή καπιταλιστική Ελλάδα.



This is about Greek Military Junta of 1967-1974,ATHENS POLYTECHNIC STUDENT UPRISING(17 November 1973),Metapolitefsi(the democratic period after the fall of Junta)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Stari Most(Balkan beauty video)

An amazing Combination of Balkan Sounds and Images by Youtuber Ivan Jelisavcic

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Kristallnacht__Klezmer fiddling

By the end of the 1920s, most German Jews were loyal to their country, assimilated and relatively prosperous. They served in the German army and contributed to every field of German science, business and culture. After the Nazis were elected to power in 1933, as a result of progressively harsher state-sponsored anti-Semitic persecution, by 1938 the Jews had been almost completely excluded from German social and political life. Many sought asylum abroad, and thousands did manage to leave, but as Chaim Weizmann wrote in 1936, "The world seemed to be divided into two parts — those places where the Jews could not live and those where they could not enter

On October 28, 1938, 17,000 Polish Jews living in Germany (some for more than a decade), were arrested and taken to the river marking the Polish-German border and forced to cross it. The Polish border guards sent them back over the river into Germany and this stalemate continued for days in the pouring rain, the Jews marching without food or shelter between the borders until the Polish government admitted them to a concentration camp. The conditions of these camps “were so bad that some actually tried to escape back into Germany and were shot” recalls a British woman who was sent to help the expellees.

Herschel Grynszpan, a German Jew living in Paris, France, had received a letter from his family describing the horrible conditions they experienced in this deportation. Seeking to alleviate their situation, he appealed repeatedly over the next few days to Ernst vom Rath, Third Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris, who could not help him. On Monday, November 7, Grynszpan shot vom Rath in the stomach. He attempted and missed 3 additional shots. Two days later, on November 9, the secretary died.

Vom Rath's assassination served as an excuse for launching a rampage against Jewish inhabitants throughout Germany.

Jewish homes and stores were ransacked all throughout Germany and also in Vienna, with a mixture of German citizens and Stormtroops going to destroy buildings with sledgehammers, leaving the streets covered in smashed windows of destroyed businesses the next morning (the origin of the name “Crystal Night”). Although violence against Jews had not been condoned by the authorities, there were cases of Jews being beaten or assaulted.

This pogrom damaged, and in many cases destroyed, about 1574 synagogues (constituting nearly all Germany had), many Jewish cemeteries, more than 7,000 Jewish shops, and 29 department stores. Some Jews were beaten to death while others were forced to watch. More than 30,000 Jewish males were arrested and taken to concentration camps; primarily Dachau, Buchenwald, and Sachsenhausen. The treatment of prisoners in the camps was brutal, but most were released during the following three months on condition that they leave Germany.

The number of German Jews killed is uncertain, with estimates ranging from 36 to about 200 over two days of rioting. The number killed in the rioting is most often cited as 91. There are believed to have been hundreds of suicides in addition to this, as the slim slivers of hope that remained in some Jews disappeared completely. Counting deaths at the concentration camps, around 2,000-2,500 deaths, were directly or indirectly attributable to the Kristallnacht pogrom. A few non-Jewish Germans mistaken for Jews were also killed.

The synagogues, some centuries old, were also victims of sadistic violence, with the tactics the Stormtroops practiced on these and other sacred sites were described as “approaching the ghoulish” by the United States Consul in Leipzig. Even graveyards were not spared, as tombstones were uprooted and graves violated. Fires were lit, and prayer books, scrolls, artwork and philosophy were thrown upon them, and the precious buildings were either burned or smashed until unrecognizable. Eric Lucas recalls the destruction of the synagogue that a tiny Jewish community had constructed in a small village only twelve years earlier:

It did not take long before the first heavy grey stones came tumbling down, and the children of the village amused themselves as they flung stones into the many coloured windows. When the first rays of a cold and pale November sun penetrated the heavy dark clouds, the little synagogue was but a heap of stone, broken glass and smashed-up woodwork.

Events in Austria were no less horrendous. Most of Vienna's 94 synagogues and prayer-houses were partially or totally destroyed. People were subjected to all manner of humiliations, including being forced to scrub the pavements whilst being tormented by their fellow Austrians, some of whom had been their friends and neighbors.

The persecution and economic damage done to German Jews did not stop with the pogrom, even as their places of business were ransacked. They were also forced to pay "Judenvermögensabgabe", a collective fine of 1 Billion Mark fine for the murder of vom Rath (equal to roughly $US5.5 Billion of today’s currency), which was levied by the compulsory acquisition of 20% of all Jewish property by the state. Six million Marks of insurance payments for property damage due to the Jewish community were to be paid to the government instead as "damages to the German Nation".

The number of emigrating Jews spiked as those who could left the country, and this was a desirable outcome for the Nazi party. In the ten months following Kristallnacht, more than 115,000 Jews emigrated from the Reich Wikipedia Kristallnacht pogrom

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A Sarcastic Muslim Song of Damir Nikšić(If I wasn't a Muslim..)

If I wasn’t Muslim-Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.-If I wasn’t born Mohammedan Life for me would have been fun.I could live and prosper.On my land and I could even build a bigger house.I wouldn’t have to, every now and then,Run and hide like a mouse.If I wasn’t Muslim.Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.My neighbors wouldn’t set my home on fire.And surround me with barbed wire.I wouldn’t live in terror.Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.Books wouldn’t teach you that I was an error.In European history. I would not have to prove that I am not stupid.A backward and primitive villain.An alien threat to your way of life to be hunted down.I wouldn’t be so ashamed of the names of my relatives and mine.Of the Semitic language I speak to my God.That no one here understands.My tradition wouldn’t insult.My Christian neighbors and friends.My diet, my cap, the Ramadan fast.the crescent and the star.Bayram, I know, will never be famous like Christmas or Easter Sunday so modern and cool, so western,and - oh so “secular”.If I wasn’t Muslim.If I had an ordinary Slavic Christian name.If I wasn’t circumcised.If I could eat my eggs with ham.I would be accepted.Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.I’d blend in to Europe and enjoy.I wouldn’t be its whipping boy.– oh boy –If I were a Christian I wouldn’t have to prove that I am human too.'Cause when you’re Christian you’re always civilized no matter what you wear or do.But when you are a Muslim.It is really hard to find some sympathy for you.No one really likes you, no one really cares.No one wants to know your point of view.If I wasn’t Muslim.Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.If I was a part of Christendom Europe would be my sweet home.I wouldn’t have to worry.Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.What will happen in a year or two.Will I have to leave or stay and dieDrop my pants to be identified and put aside.Just ‘cause I’m a Mussulman?

Για να καθαρίσουμε την Ελλάδα / To clean-up Greece Site Meter