Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Yvonne Ridley(A Feminist Woman converted to Islam)


Ecumene said...

Το Σεπτέμβριο του 2001, η ιστορία της Υβόν Ρίντλεϋ έγινε πρωτοσέλιδο στα διεθνή μέσα ενημέρωσης. Λίγο πριν ξεκινήσει η αμερικανική επίθεση εναντίον των Ταλιμπάν, η πολεμική ανταποκρίτρια της βρεττανικής εφημερίδας μπήκε παράνομα στο Αφγανιστάν - κρυμμένη πίσω από μια μπούργκα. Συνελήφθη από τους Ταλιμπάν, ανακρίθηκε και αφέθηκε ελεύθερη, αλλά όταν γύρισε στο Λονδίνο βρήκε το διαμέρισμα της παραβιασμένο. Κάποιος είχε κλεψει προσωπικά της στοιχεία τα οποία παρέδωσε στους Ταλιμπάν ώστε να κατηγορηθεί ως κατάσκοπος και να εκτελεσθεί. Μετά από έρευνα, η Ρίντλεϋ κατέληξε στο συμπέρασμα ότι ήταν η CIA που έκανε τη βρώμικη δουλειά: η εκτέλεση της Ρίντλεϋ από το "βάρβαρο καθεστώς" της Καμπούλ θα προετοίμαζε την κοινή γνώμη για την επέμβαση στο Αφγανιστάν.

British journalist Yvonne Ridley, who was corresponding from Afghanistan, and Canadian reporter Nancy Durham, corresponding from Kossovo, tell their stories and expose how they were used in order to create a feeling of justification in the public opinion for the two wars that were about to be waged.

Ecumene said...

Υvonne Ridley: From captive to convert
By Hannah Bayman
BBC News Online

If you were being interrogated by the Taleban as a suspected US spy, it might be hard to imagine a happy ending.
But for journalist Yvonne Ridley, the ordeal in Afghanistan led her to convert to a religion she says is "the biggest and best family in the world".
The formerly hard-drinking Sunday school teacher became a Muslim after reading the Koran on her release.

She now describes radical cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri as "quite sweet really" and says the Taleban have suffered an unfair press.
Working as a reporter for the Sunday Express in September 2001, Ridley was smuggled from Pakistan across the Afghan border.

But her cover was blown when she fell off her donkey in front of a Taleban soldier near Jalalabad, revealing a banned camera underneath her robes

It has been suggested the 46-year-old is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, in which hostages take the side of the hostage-takers.
But she says: "I was horrible to my captors. I spat at them and was rude and refused to eat. It wasn't until I was freed that I became interested in Islam."

Yvonne Ridley: From captive to convert

Ecumene said...

5 Οκτωβρίου 2001

Δημοσιογράφος πρώτης γραμμής


Οι Ταλιμπάν θα αποφανθούν αν η Υβόν Ρίντλεϋ είναι δημοσιογράφος ή γυναίκα των ειδικών δυνάμεων· κάποιοι συμπατριώτες της έχουν πάντως αποφανθεί ήδη πως είναι κακή μητέρα...

Υβόν Ρίντλεϋ. Θα δικαστεί από τους Ταλιμπάν

«Το έγκλημά της είναι σίγουρα μεγάλο. Πώς έρχεται χωρίς κανένα έγγραφο, παρά την απαγόρευση εισόδου ξένων δημοσιογράφων στο Αφγανιστάν;»αναρωτήθηκε ο υπουργός Πληροφόρησης των Ταλιμπάν. Μα δουλειά των δημοσιογράφων δεν είναι να αγνοούν απαγορεύσεις που αποβλέπουν σε συσκότιση της ενημέρωσης; Σύμφωνα με τον υπουργό των Ταλιμπάν, η δημοσιογράφος της "Σάντεϋ Εξπρές" "θα μπορούσε να είναι μέλος των αμερικανικών ή των βρετανικών ειδικών δυνάμεων". Ακόμη όμως κι αν είναι δημοσιογράφος, ανακοινώθηκε χθες, θα δικαστεί στο Αφγανιστάν "επειδή μπήκε χωρίς άδεια στο αφγανικό έδαφος".

Η Υβόν Ρίντλεϋ, 43 χρόνων και μητέρα της εννιάχρονης Ντέιζυ, είναι κατά κάποιο τρόπο "θύμα" της επιτυχίας του συναδέλφου της Τζων Σίμσον (του BBC και της "Σάντεϋ Τέλεγκραφ"), ο οποίος κατάφερε να μπει στο Αφγανιστάν κάτω από μια "μπούρκα" ­ το φόρεμα που καλύπτει από κορυφής μέχρις ονύχων τις Αφγανές ­ και να αφηγηθεί την εμπειρία του. Αμέσως η πίεση προς τους απεσταλμένους των λονδρέζικων εφημερίδων στα αφγανικά σύνορα αυξήθηκε: Αυτό που έκανε ο Σίμσον μπορούν σίγουρα να το κάνουν κι άλλοι, έλεγαν οι διευθυντές, και κυρίως οι γυναίκες δημοσιογράφοι, αφού η σιλουέτα τους τις ευνοεί. Έτσι η Υβόν Ρίντλεϋ συνεννοήθηκε με τους διευθυντές της και ξεκίνησε την περιπέτεια. Αλλά την περασμένη Παρασκευή συνελήφθη, μαζί με τους δύο οδηγούς της, μόλις 15 χιλιόμετρα από τα πακιστανικά σύνορα.

Το εξοργιστικό είναι πως η Ρίντλεϋ δεν αντιμετωπίζει τώρα μόνο τους Ταλιμπάν, αλλά και τις επικρίσεις ορισμένων στη Βρετανία που λένε ότι δεν έπρεπε να διακινδυνεύσει, επειδή ήταν γυναίκα και μητέρα. Ήταν ριψοκίνδυνη, λένε, απόδειξη οι τρεις γάμοι της! Η Ντέιζυ είχε προχθές γενέθλια και η εμφάνισή της σε τηλεοπτικά δελτία και πρωτοσέλιδα ενίσχυσε το μήνυμα ότι η Υβόν έχει παιδί και δεν θα έπρεπε να βρίσκεται στο Αφγανιστάν.

"Η Ντέιζυ ενδιαφερόταν από μικρή για τη δουλειά της μητέρας της και καταλαβαίνει πως είναι μια μεγάλη περιπέτεια", γράφει στον "Γκάρντιαν" η Έλεν Κάρτερ, συνάδελφος και φίλη της Υβόν. "Η Υβόν δεν έχει καιρό να ασχοληθεί με επιφανειακούς, ρηχούς ανθρώπους", προσθέτει για τους επικριτές της. "Είναι από τους ικανότερους δημοσιογράφους που έχω γνωρίσει, με ισχυρό το αίσθημα της αυτοπροστασίας. Τι κι αν παντρεύτηκε τρεις φορές; Αυτό δεν την κάνει ριψοκίνδυνη. Το μοναδικό έγκλημα της Υβόν φαίνεται πως είναι ότι συνδύασε τη μητρότητα με μια απαιτητική και ικανοποιητική καριέρα. Αλλά χιλιάδες γυναίκες το κάνουν καθημερινά και δεν κρίνονται γι' αυτό δημοσίως".


Ecumene said...

John Simpson is the first journalist who entered Afghanistan disguised as woman.That action set Ridley to try also hersef

Ecumene said...


26 Νοεμβρίου 2003

Ο προσηλυτισμός της δημοσιογράφου


Μέσα σε μόλις δύο χρόνια, η Υβόν Ρίντλεϋ μεταμορφώθηκε από πολεμική ανταποκρίτρια της «Σάντεϋ Εξπρές» σε πιστή μουσουλμάνα, δημοσιογράφο του αλ-Τζαζίρα.<

Και τώρα απολύθηκε μυστηριωδώς από το αραβικό δορυφορικό τηλεοπτικό δίκτυο του Κατάρ.
H 45χρονη Βρετανίδα δημοσιογράφος, η οποία ζει στην Ντόχα από τον Ιούλιο, οπότε άρχισε να εργάζεται για την αγγλόφωνη ιστοσελίδα του τηλεοπτικού δικτύου, είχε προσηλυτιστεί στο Ισλάμ λίγο πριν αναλάβει τη νέα της θέση και λέει πως δεν έχει ιδέα γιατί απολύθηκε. Το BBC, το οποίο έχει γυρίσει ένα ντοκιμαντέρ για τη νέα ζωή της (θα μεταδοθεί στις 15 Δεκεμβρίου), σπεύδει τώρα να κάνει τις απαραίτητες αλλαγές.

H Υβόν Ρίντλεϋ έγινε διάσημη στον κόσμο το 2001, όταν έμεινε 10 ημέρες φυλακισμένη στο Αφγανιστάν από τους Ταλιμπάν, οι οποίοι τη συνέλαβαν κρυμμένη κάτω από μια μπούρκα να κάνει ρεπορτάζ για τη «Σάντεϋ Εξπρές» (περιέγραψε την εμπειρία της σε ένα βιβλίο με τίτλο «Στα χέρια των Ταλιμπάν»). Στη διάρκεια της αιχμαλωσίας της, λέει, την επισκέφθηκε ένας μουσουλμάνος ιερωμένος και εκείνη του υποσχέθηκε πως, αν την άφηναν ελεύθερη, θα μελετούσε το Κοράνι. Κράτησε τον λόγο της. «Εντυπωσιάστηκα απ' αυτά που διάβασα, επειδή το Κοράνι καθιστά απολύτως σαφές ότι οι γυναίκες είναι ισότιμες στην παιδεία, την πνευματικότητα και την αξία», λέει τώρα η πρώην Αγγλικανή Ρίντλεϋ. «Πιστεύω ότι το Ισλάμ είχε πραγματικά θετική επίδραση στη ζωή μου. Με έκανε πιο ανεκτική, πιο φιλοσοφημένη και πολύ πιο ήρεμη. Αισθάνομαι πολύ πιο υγιής και με μεγαλύτερη αυτοπεποίθηση». Τέρμα δηλαδή το αλκοόλ και οι ευκαιριακές ερωτικές σχέσεις («Από τότε δεν έχω περάσει ούτε μια νύκτα περιμένοντας δίπλα στο τηλέφωνο»... ). Και όχι μόνον αυτό. Ο φανατικός Λονδρέζος ισλαμιστής Αμπού Χάμζα, ο οποίος διδάσκει το μίσος και είχε χαιρετίσει ως «μάρτυρες» τους αεροπειρατές της 11ης Σεπτεμβρίου, είναι τώρα «ένας γλυκός άνθρωπος» για τη Ρίντλεϋ, η οποία πιστεύει πως, «ως μουσουλμάνα, δεν είναι εποικοδομητικό να κριτικάρω άλλους μουσουλμάνους»!

Φίλοι της είπαν στον «Ιντιπέντεντ» πως πιθανόν το αλ-Τζαζίρα να δέχθηκε πιέσεις από τον Λευκό Οίκο να απαλλαγεί από τη δημοσιογράφο. H αμερικανική κυβέρνηση, διευκρίνισαν, δεν ήταν ευχαριστημένη από ένα κομμάτι της για τις έρευνες στα σπίτια, που κάνουν οι Αμερικανοί στρατιώτες στο Ιράκ, το οποίο συνοδευόταν από τη φωτογραφία ενός επτάχρονου κοριτσιού ακινητοποιημένου με πλαστικές χειροπέδες. Οι Αμερικανοί στρατιωτικοί τής είπαν να μην δημοσιεύσει τη φωτογραφία στην ιστοσελίδα, εκείνη τους αγνόησε και αυτοί την εκδικήθηκαν απαιτώντας την απόλυσή της από το αλ-Τζαζίρα. Μια άλλη θεωρία είναι πάντως ότι εκνεύρισε πολύ τους εργοδότες της, μιλώντας συνεχώς για πράγματα που δεν την αφορούσαν, όπως η ποιότητα των κειμένων μερικών συναδέλφων της...


Ecumene said...

The Truth - Journalist Yvonne Ridley

The Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in a hostage, in which the hostage exhibits seeming loyalty to the hostage-taker, in spite of the danger (or at least risk) in which the hostage has been placed

Ecumene said...

Aljazeera Sacks Yvonne Ridley

The man responsible for sacking Sister Yvonne is Abdulaziz Ibrahim Al-Mahmoud who issued the order but did not have the guts to confront her with it, instead he sent his secretary to deliver the news to Sister Yvonne’s home in Doha.

Al-Mahmoud is not a big fan of hers after she derided him for shopping in Marks and Spencer during a recent trip to London with his eager-to-please sidekick Ahmed Sheikh. Marks and Spencer is the famous Israel-supporting shop which is boycotted by many Muslims in the UK!

In recent weeks Al Mahmoud has escorted two parties from the US embassy around the offices of Aljazeera, giving Sister Yvonne’s work station a wide berth because of its anti-war and anti Bush messages as well as a Palestinian flag situated there prominently!

Betty Coltrane said...

Once again - lots of information, very interesting subject, and i don't have the time to think about it carefully.

Agora pergunto eu: conheces alguma coisa de Portugal? Porque estás a aprender português?

=) Beijinhos!!!

Greg said...

Κατα κάποιο τρόπο "σχετικό"
Δύση – Μουσουλμανικός κόσμος. Σχέσεις «καχυποψίας».

Ecumene said...

@betty coltrane ...Gracias

Hablo un poco español y sería lástima si no aprendo portugués..

Muchos besos))))


Tωρα που o Αhmadinejad εγινε
blogger,oπως μου είπε
ο Ioannisk

Θα ξεκινήσει εντατικός
ιντερνετικός διάλογος
και θα λυθουν οι σχεσεις

Bloggers United for Peace!!

Anonymous said...


FreeCyprus said...

We're still trying to figure that one out because it's seems HUGELY OUT OF CHARACTER for Al Jazeera to fire someone because a country (especially if it's the US) asks for the firing.

From what I've heard...she, like some Al Jazeera staff, was indeed anti-Bush and anti-war in Iraq. The difference though was that she had apparently lost her objectivity as a journalist.

This loss of "objectivity" and the fact that there's some personal issue between her and Abdulaziz Ibrahim Al-Mahmoud (she attacked him for shopping at Marks/spencer and some other issues...) I think are the real reasons she got sacked.

Remember, this is the Middle East and it is still a male dominated society. A FEMALE employee loudly questioning her MALE Arab boss....

FreeCyprus said...

I think Al Jazeera staff's claim that Yvonne Ridley lost her "journalistic objectivity" may be valid (even George Galloway distanced himself from her):

"Critics have accused her of defending the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his campaign of violence in Iraq and Jordan, describing the victims of the November 9 2005 Amman bombings in Jordan, which saw 60 persons killed and 115 injured as Iraqi collaborators, Saudi, Indonesian and Chinese intelligence officers and the upper echelons of society. The outpouring of public outrage manifested in spontaneous demonstration she described as staged and the work of "Jordanian troops out of uniform" and "government lackeys" together with "Christian and Muslim Bedouins" who had all been commandeered or paid to demonstrate by the Jordanian government and the CIA. Al-Zarqawi was denounced by his family after the bombings, a move that Ridley thought "cowardly." She said of al-Zarqawi himself that she would "rather put up with a brother like Abu Musab al-Zarqawi any day than have a traitor or sell-out for a father, son or grandfather" – a reference to Jordanian royal family. [11].

At a meeting of the Respect party on 6 June 2006, following a police raid in Forest Gate, East London, on 2 June 2006, Ridley urged all Muslims in Britain to "boycott the police and refuse to co-operate with them in any way, shape or form," including "asking the community copper for directions to passing the time of day with a beat officer." Her comments were labelled as "sheer, undiluted madness" by Shadow Home Secretary David Davis, who added that "To not co-operate would be of no benefit to the Muslim community; no benefit to the police; and no benefit to the security of our country." [12] George Galloway, leader of the RESPECT Coalition to which Ridley belongs also distanced himself from her comments, saying "Our policy is not that we should withdraw co-operation from the police."

FreeCyprus said...

If both "pro-Americans" and "anti-Americans" are slamming Al Jazeera...then I'd say they're doing a good job at reporting the news.

Control Room trailer

joshua said...

Ergotelina, achas que os conflitos presentes irão degenerar em guerra generalizada? Na Palestina a guerra faz-se muito da destruição de casas. É do que mais se vê. Os islâmicos dificultam imenso a vida aos cristãos. Os israelitas fazem o mesmo aos islâmicos.

Yvonne Ridley, Cat Stevens... Há sempre no ocidente quem se converta ao Islão, mas a configuração civilizacional dos países maioritariamente islâmicos não é atractiva aos ocidentais devido à pressão ambiental.

O mundo tornar-se-ia irrespirável se submetido a tal policiamento.

Ecumene said...

@Thanx FreeCyprus... had a post about Al Jazeera
Ahmed said...

She wasn't fired for being anti-Bush as the guy who fired her is anti-Bush as well. She got fired for questioning her boss shopping at jewish clothing store
11:20 PM
Ahmed said...

and if she was boy, jew or muslim, I fire her too if she question me as boss

that's life

dodo said...

Μ' αρέσει ο πολύγλωσσος χαρακτήρας που έχει πάρει το βλογ σου!

Ξέρουμε πού βρίσκεται τώρα η Ridley;

Ecumene said...

@Oh..Dodos..our multilingual
race is at the peak...


From Wikipedia-link i have
on the title

....Overly-Vocal and Argumentative Style
was incompatible with the station’s programme.She won her case for unfair dismissal against the channel, but was asked to return in May 2006 when the station lodged an appeal against the Qatari court decision.

Ridley was placed at the top of the Respect coalition's party list at the 2004 European Elections for the North East England region but was not elected. She stood as the Respect candidate at the Leicester South by-election in 2004. She came in fourth, with 12.7% of the vote. However, when she stood again in the May 2005 general election, her share of the vote dropped to 6.4%. In the local government elections in 2006 she unsuccessfully stood for a seat on Westminster council.

Ridley is the author of In the Hands of the Taliban: Her Extraordinary Story soon to be re-published by Islam Channel 2006, detailing the 11 days she was held captive by the Taliban; as well as Ticket to Paradise (Dandelion Books, LLC 2003), a novel with fictional characters based on the real backdrop of 9/11. It was written before she converted to Islam and friends say it was never published in the UK because she was too embarrassed by its risque content. She is the presenter of The Agenda, the Islam Channel's politics and current affairs show, broadcast Europe-wide and available for download at the Islam Channel website. She also writes a regular column for the New York-based Daily Muslims

Ecumene said...

Ενα από τα πιο αηδιαστικά θεάματα του περασμένου μήνα ήταν να βλέπεις τον Κεν Λίβινγκστον να υπερασπίζει τον Ιαν Μπλερ, τον επικεφαλής της Μητροπολιτικής Αστυνομίας, αφού αυτή η Αστυνομία σκότωσε τον δεύτερο αθώο άνθρωπο στους τελευταίους 11 μήνες.

Για τον Λίβινγκστον, φαίνεται, ο άνθρωπος που επιβλέπει τέτοια πράγματα είναι ένας «προοδευτικός» αρχηγός αστυνομίας.

Ομως ο Λίβινγκστον δεν είναι ο μόνος που βρίσκεται σε σύγχυση για το ρόλο της αστυνομίας. Ακόμα και κάποιοι άνθρωποι που δεν έχουν συμβιβαστεί με τους Νέους Εργατικούς καθυστέρησαν να υποστηρίξουν την Υβόν Ρίντλεϊ όταν είπε πως οι Μουσουλμάνοι πρέπει να σταματήσουν τη συνεργασία με τους αστυνομικούς όσο αυτοί συμπεριφέρονται με τέτοιο τρόπο.

=Even people who have not made their peace with New Labour were sometimes slow to back up Yvonne Ridley when she said Muslims should withdraw cooperation with the police so long as they continued to behave like that.

Κάποιοι από μας νιώσαμε πολύ περισσότερη συμπάθεια με τη θέση της. Θυμόμαστε όταν η αστυνομία σκότωσε τον Κέβιν Γκέιτλι το 1974, τον Μπλερ Πητς το 1979, τις άγριες επιθέσεις στις απεργιακές φρουρές στο Bryant Colour Printing το 1974, στο Γκράνγουικ το 1977, στο Οργκριβ το 1984 και το 1985, τη σκευωρία κατά των έξι στο Μπέρμιγχαμ, των τεσσάρων στο Γκίλντφορντ, και πολλά άλλα.

Η άρχουσα τάξη, η αστυνομία της και η Αριστερά
γράφει ο Κρις Χάρμαν(Chris Harman

Από το περιοδικό Socialist Review Ιούλης 2006

The Ruling Class, its Police and the Left

Column by Chris Harman, July 2006

One of the most disgusting spectacles last month was that of Ken Livingstone defending Ian Blair, head of the Metropolitan Police, after his force shot the second innocent person in 11 months.

Ecumene said...

)))))))))))...IS SHE A TERRORISTS SUPPORTER?....(((((((((((((((

Since her conversion to Islam Ridley has taken increasingly controversial stances that have left her open to extensive criticism: in particular surrounding her apparent support for suicide bombings, which she calls "Martyrdom Operations." She says, "I hate the term 'suicide bombers' it's an offensive term which was invented by the West to ridicule what many people regard as "martyrdom operations" and you have to look at each one in context." [7]
On 21 September 2004 she described radical cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri as "quite sweet really," while her former captors, the Taliban, had suffered an "unfair press." [8]

Her vocal support for causes involving Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Chechnya and Uzbekistan have made her a popular speaker in anti-war circles. At a debate at Imperial College London on 16 February 2006 she outlined a viewpoint that is "pretty much in line with that of Hamas." She described Israel as "that disgusting little watchdog of America that is festering in the Middle East" and further that her party the Respect Party "is a Zionist-free party… if there was any Zionism in the Respect Party they would be hunted down and kicked out. We have no time for Zionists", while both the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties are "riddled with Zionists." [9]

At the "Muslimer i Dialog" conference in Copenhagen in September 2005, Ridley was asked if she didn't see it as a problem that militant Islamists distribute recruiting videos of Iraqi insurgents killing hostages. She replied that it was necessary for Muslims to have these videos at home as an alternative form of news to what she perceived as the propaganda of Western media. At the same meeting she compared British Prime Minister Tony Blair with Pol Pot. [10] She returned to Copenhagen in May 2006 to take part in a conference on Islamophobia and was given a standing ovation after urging Muslims not to "kneel before their enemies" or "kiss the hand that slaps them." [citation needed] Along with former Australain PM Bob Hawke and several other speakers including scholars and polticians, the Copenhagen Declaration was formed and signed.

Critics have accused her of defending the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his campaign of violence in Iraq and Jordan, describing the victims of the November 9 2005 Amman bombings in Jordan, which saw 60 persons killed and 115 injured as Iraqi collaborators, Saudi, Indonesian and Chinese intelligence officers and the upper echelons of society. The outpouring of public outrage manifested in spontaneous demonstration she described as staged and the work of "Jordanian troops out of uniform" and "government lackeys" together with "Christian and Muslim Bedouins" who had all been commandeered or paid to demonstrate by the Jordanian government and the CIA. Al-Zarqawi was denounced by his family after the bombings, a move that Ridley thought "cowardly." She said of al-Zarqawi himself that she would "rather put up with a brother like Abu Musab al-Zarqawi any day than have a traitor or sell-out for a father, son or grandfather" – a reference to Jordanian royal family. [11].

At a meeting of the Respect party on 6 June 2006, following a police raid in Forest Gate, East London, on 2 June 2006, Ridley urged all Muslims in Britain to "boycott the police and refuse to co-operate with them in any way, shape or form," including "asking the community copper for directions to passing the time of day with a beat officer."

Her comments were labelled as "sheer, undiluted madness" by Shadow Home Secretary David Davis, who added that "To not co-operate would be of no benefit to the Muslim community; no benefit to the police; and no benefit to the security of our country." [12]

George Galloway, leader of the RESPECT Coalition to which Ridley belongs also distanced himself from her comments, saying "Our policy is not that we should withdraw co-operation from the police."

After the death of Chechen militant Shamil Basayev (architect of the Moscow theater hostage crisis and Beslan school hostage crisis), Ridley wrote a column stating that Basayev had become a "shaheed", that is, a martyr whose place in Paradise is assured. She went on to refer to Basayev as leader of "an admirable struggle to bring independence to Chechnya". In response to objections that Basayev's actions killed many civilians, Ridley stated that he "resorted to targetting Russian civilians in the latter years of his struggle to try and bring the plight of the Chechen struggle to the wider world," and blamed the majority of civilian casualties on Russian troops sent in to rescue the hostages.
Ridley quoted a passage from an unpublished work, Book of a Mujahiddeen in memory of Basayev, "A Mujahid is looking closely into a child's eyes, for they are the ones that get to see the world without sorrows."


Ecumene said...

UK- CAIR Muslim poster girl convert Yvonne Ridley lamented that suicide bombers were not getting the respect they deserved

CAIR=Council on American-Islamic Relations

Militant Islam Monitor

Ecumene said...

Για τα Κουρδο-αμερικανικά
που λέγαμε..

Who Really Caught Saddam? Reporter Yvonne Ridley Says Kurdish Forces Captured Saddam and Handed Him To U.S. Forces

dodo said...

Άμεση και περιεκτική, όπως πάντα η απάντησή σου!
Φοβούμαι ότι θα δούμε πολλά ακόμη από την αστυνομία και λοιπές αρχές καταστολής στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, έχουν αγριέψει τα πράγματα και ο εκεί κίτρινος τύπος (πολύ κίτρινος, όμως) τα αγριεύει περισσότερο...

Ecumene said...


Συμφωνώ για την αστυνομία
και τον κιτρινο τυπο
της Βρεττανίας...
αλλά κάποιες δηλώσεις της
ακουγονται περίεργες...
Δεν εχει απλως μεταστραφει
στο Ισλαμ,αλλα
εχει γίνει "βασιλικότερη
του Βασιλέως"
να μην παραξενευτουμε
αν δουμε και καμιά
Ελληνίδα να παίρνει
το δρόμο της Υβόν,ε;


Harry's Place a blog banned in Iran

Liberty,if it means anything
is the right to tell the
people what they don't want
to hear

February 16, 2006

Yvonne Ridley on Zionist-hunting

Speaking at Imperial College last week, Stockholm Syndrome poster girl and Respect party national council member Yvonne Ridley proclaimed Respect a "Zionist-free party" and said any Zionist members "would be hunted down and kicked out."

Ecumene said...

Οι αντίπαλοι της εξακολουθουν
να την ονομαζουν "το κορίτσι
με το σύνδρομο της Στοκχόλμης"

αν και αυτη το αρνειται

Σιωνιστές δεν θελει
στο κομμα της...

και να σκεφτεις οτι ειχε
παντρευτει και Ισραηλινο(Ilan Roni Hermosh)και γι αυτο την θεωρησαν υποπτη οι Ταλιμπάν και το Αλ Τζαζίρα

dodo said...

Αντιφατική προσωπικότητα, ίσως..."Τα δίνει όλα" κάθε φορά.

Σύνδρομο τής Στοκχόλμης φαίνεται αρκετά πιθανή εξήγηση, επίσης.

Δύσκολο να προβλέψει κανείς την εξέλιξή της.
Συνήθως όμως, οι "βασιλικότεροι τού βασιλέως", δεν γίνονται πλήρως αποδεκτοί από τούς αρχικούς "βασιλικούς", οι οποίοι τούς βλέπουν πάντοτε με σχετική καχυποψία...

Ecumene said...


Πολυ σωστα αυτα που λες..

1.Ισως πασχει και απο
το "Συνδρομο του Νεοφώτιστου"
"Newcomer,Newbie,Neophyte Syndrome"

αυτο συμβαίνει σε καθε
θρησκεια...ο νεο-εισερχόμενος
τα βλεπει ολα ρόδινα.....
Για ρώτα ομως και όσους γεννήθηκαν

What she says about the oppressed
women in Islam?....

She claims...that is a cultural
practice not derived of Quran....

..ανθρωποι βεβαια σαν την Υβόν
γινονται πανηγυρικα
δεκτοι στο Ισλαμ
εχουν φτιαξει και ολοκληρο
site για όσους επιστρεφουν
στην αληθινη πίστη

Welcome to TurnToIslam.Com. We are dedicated to bringing the latest Islamic videos, media and information to help challenge the negative propaganda spread by the media and to educate people about Islam and the Muslim World. The hatred some people might show towards Islam and the ill-practices of some Muslims should not hinder from seeking the truth about Islam, which as practised according to the Quran and Sunnah upon the understanding of the earliest generation of Muslims, is a perfect way of life.


Ecumene said...


για βοηθα εσυ
που ξερεις καλυτερα πορτογαλικα
απο μενα

4:27 πμ, Αύγουστος 17, 2006


Do you mean that
Western people can convert
to Islam easily,but the opposite...
Islam people to become
is difficult?

joshua said...

Ergotelina, creio que, pelo contrário, os ocidentais dificilmente se converterão a uma fé ainda mais restritiva das suas liberdades, se pensarmos na diminuição generalizada do influxo das igrejas cristãs em todo o ocidente a par de uma pulverização das ofertas no domínio do religioso.

Agora, o que penso é que considerar uma das sociedades islâmicas, por exemplo a Arábia ou o Irão xiita, é perspectivar um modo de conceber a vida humana incompatível com aquilo que as sociedades ocidentais alcançaram e faz delas tão vulneráveis.

O modo como o presidente iraniano, Ahmadinejad justifica a revolução islâmica e a total impermeabilidade ao ocidente é pura e simplesmente uma loucura, como poderás ler no seu blog, uma criação interessante para tanta restrição aos direitos individuais:

Ma é uma loucura pensar que se pode blindar indefinidamente um povo à irresistível atracção que o mundo no seu conjunto exerce. Manter a identidade e a cultura é importante, mas isso não pode ser feito à custa do ódio à Coca-Cola ou do medo ao desconhecido.

Vives na Grécia? Parece que isso favorece que conversemos livremente.

Conversão hoje soa à obtenção de uma hegemonia no mundo, a um pensamento único, a um monoteísmo de expressão exclusivista, o que é por si só um atentado a uma sociedade que se quer acima de tudo pluralista.

FreeCyprus said...

seven stones, thanks for your post.
Keep fighting the good fight.

Here's some discussion of the "Bomb Al Jazeera Memo" supposedly written by US President Bush:

The Al Jazeera bombing memo is an unpublished memorandum made within the British government which purports to be the minutes of a discussion between United States President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair. The Daily Mirror published a story on its front page on 22 November 2005 claiming that the memo quotes Bush speculating about a U.S. bombing raid on Al Jazeera world headquarters in the Qatari capital Doha and other locations. The story claims that Blair persuaded Bush to take no action.

FreeCyprus said...

Ergo, you missed the sentence immediately before the lines you are quoting:

"After her departure from Qatar, she published an article about her experiences there. She won her case for unfair dismissal against the channel, [5] but was asked to return in May 2006 when the station lodged an appeal against the Qatari court decision."

What it means is...she was asked to return to the country, to Qatar, because Al Jazeera was appealing the court decision so she had to be in the country to be in the courtroom.

She is NOT working for Al Jazeera.

FreeCyprus said...

My mistake, the "Bomb Al Jazeera Memo" was not written by US President Bush, it's a "supposedly" unpublished memorandum made within the British government about discussions between US and Britain

Paulo said...

Venho aqui mas numa lingua antiga. A lingua de Camões. Gostei do Blog.
I like very very it blog.



Ecumene said...

Thanx @FrCy
@Paulo Sempre Benvindo


Πάντως είναι χείμαρρος.....
η Κανελλη ωχριά μπροστά της...

Αρνείται οτι το Ισλαμ
χρειάζεται ανανέωση και
εκσυγχρονισμό και σιχαινεται
τον ορο "moderate Islam"

αφου και ενας απο Υεμένη
που μου δωσε αυτο το link
ειπε οτι με τετοιο πάθος
και παρρησία
δυσκολα να βρεις εκ γενετης
Μουσουλμανο να μιλαει

Δες αυτό....

..Then we are told by Christian fundamentalists like Tony Blair that we have got to stop displaying a victim mentality!
And how do we respond? By parading a group of weak Muslim men who appear to be permanently on their knees, ready to kiss the hand which slaps them.
…….I suppose it's a legacy of colonialism which promotes a feeling of insecurity in some of these individuals. They simply don't quite grasp the concept of equality just yet but do they really have to try and oppress their own?
Don't they realise they are doing more harm to Islam than good when they try to appease Muslim detractors and critics?
A few have finally tried to stand up and stick their heads above the parapet ... too little, too late!..........

These so-called 'Scholars for Dollars' are trying to promote an evangelical, happy clappy brand of Islam. In many ways they are perhaps even more invidious than the previous bunch of sell outs.
Their weasel words are fooling some of the Ummah and charming non-Muslims who love to introduce them on TV with labels such as modernists and moderates.
Look we are either Muslim or not. We either believe in the Five Pillars of Islam or we don't. What the hell is a modernist or a moderate anyway? Being a Muslim is like being pregnant ... you either are or you aren't.
Whoever heard of someone being 80pc pregnant?
The Happy Clappy bunch are now promoting roadshows across the West trying to inject a 'Feel Good' factor in to the Ummah. Look, I'm not a killjoy but I am a realist and trying to reform Islam into something else is just not on.
I wouldn't mind if they were doing it out of a genuine love for the Deen, but they are trying to introduce a brand of Islam which is more acceptable to non-Muslims……….
But do not think for one minute I am going to kiss the hand which slaps me. I am not a pacifist. And as the first set of Uncle Tom's found out, craven behavior is reviled not rewarded.
Remember the words of that great 1960s Muslim martyr, Malcolm X who said: "Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change."
Well it is time for a change and Muslims will not bring about change by kneeling down before those who would harm us or promoting a faith inspired by some Mary Poppins sect.
Those societies which give priority to physical desires and animal-like morals can not be considered civilised, no matter what breakthroughs are made in science, space travel or industry.
Illegitimate sexual relationships are not considered immoral by this sort of society. Writers and columnists often suggest that having various promiscuous, sexual relationships is not immoral even if it is with some else's husband or wife.
There are many stories about husbands and their mistresses which spawn light-hearted articles and great mirth. Look how Bill Clinton's extra-marital dalliances were treated like some smutty little joke even though he was the US President.
Surely, to consider yourself civilized, you should be above animal desires striving towards higher values. What is so outrageous about being loyal and faithful to your partner?................
They want to bring about the collapse of morality, disbelief and rejection of faith that the West has already experienced.
But they are being thwarted in their efforts by the number of people converting to Islam everyday in the West. They can't explain it and so they try and undermine it by depicting Islam as a violent faith which promotes wars and terrorism.
We must stop them from using this latest bunch of 'House Muslims' as voice pieces to promote this idea - they are fifth columnists and will no doubt reap the reward for their treachery.
We have to stop the stereo-typing of Political Islam and its followers. Islam is not evil, nor does it promote terrorism nor does it breed religious fanatics. That's a bit like me demonising all men on the grounds that all rapists are men.
To MISQUOTE Martin Luther King's great dream: "I look forward confidently to the day when all who work for a living will be one with no thought to their separateness as Muslims and non-Muslims. This will be the day when we bring into full realization civilisation in the West -- a dream yet unfulfilled. A dream of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed; a dream of a land where men will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few; a dream of a land where men will not argue that a muslim's Faith determines the content of his character; a dream of a nation where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone for none of us has the right to own the earth."
And for those of you who have forgotten to Fear no one but Allah (swt) I would ask you to start standing up for your faith and your rights before the Happy Clappies do any real damage......

Beware of the Happy Clappies
Monday, August 14, 2006

dodo said...

Το συγκεκριμένο απόσπασμα μοιάζει να στηρίζει το σχόλιό σου περί "φανατισμού τού νεοφωτίστου". Χειμαρρώδης, όντως.

Δεν αισθάνομαι ότι ξέρω αρκετά γιά το Ισλάμ γιά να καταλάβω αν έχει δίκιο στην κρίση της. Κάποιες παρατηρήσεις της όμως γιά την Δύση, έχουν βάση.

Αλλά αυτό το απόλυτο ύφος, δεν με προδιαθέτει καθόλου καλά!

FreeCyprus said...

wow I just read a great quote on someone's blog:

Love all of God’s creation, the whole of it and every grain of sand. Love every leaf, every ray of God’s light! Love the animals. Love the plants; love everything. If you love everything, you will soon perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love. – Fyodor Doestoyevski

How many of us here REALLY love our fellow brothers and sisters - be they Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, whatever...

Salman was right - Love is always stronger than hate...

Maybe Love was more durable than Hate; even if Love changed, some shadow of it, some lasting shape, persisted… Hatred was perhaps like a finger-print upon the smooth glass of the sensitive soul; a mere grease-mark, which disappeared if left alone.
-- Salman Rushdie, novelist

Al-Hajeji said...

sister yvonne is a good understanding intelligent woman. thanks for the video ergo te lina.

vatraxos said...

Δεν βρήκα που αλλού να σου γράψω!
Θέλω να σε συγχαρώ γενικότερα. Και να πω επίσης ότι μου πέρασε κι εμένα αυτο που είπες για το μπλογκ του Ρασούλη. Αν τελικά είναι κανένας άλλος από πίσω και κάνει πλάκα.
Πάντως ασχολείσαι πολύ με ότι συμβαίνει στις περιοχές υψηλού ενδιαφέροντος ή συμφέροντος(όπως περιοχές υψηλού κινδύνου) και μου αρέσει πάρα πολύ που πάντα δίνεις συνδέσμους.

FreeCyprus said...

Gavrilos, that was the beauty of the Fatwa...Salman didn't care!
And neither did any free-thinking individual for that matter.

He continued to write, he continued speak for free speach and for freedom in general, and his novels continued to sell by the boatload (I think more so after the Fatwa).

I can tell you that since the Fatwa against Ahmed Salman Rushdie, MORE Muslims, not less, have read his novel The Satanic Verses (and many have discussed it with me in a rational, intelligent way)

ovi said...

Αυτό που σκέφτομαι θα το πω με ενα παράδειγμα, στη γειτονια μου ζουν τρεις Φιλανδες παντρεμένους με μουσουλμάνους και έχουν ασπαστεί τον Μουσουλμανισμό και τα άναλογα ήθη ώστε οσο αφορά το ντυσιμό τους, για να ξεκιναμε απο καπου, το μόνο ασκεπες κοματι τους ειναι τα μάτια. Σε αυτα συμπεριλαμβάνονται ακόμα και μαυρα γάντια χειμώνα καλοκαίρι.

Εχω επανιλημένα συζητήσει μαζί τους, ζητώντας τους και συνεντευξη αλλά προσκρούω ειτε στις εντολές του συζυγου, είτε στις εντολές του 'συμβουλέίου' (μεγαλη ιστορία). Σε off the record συζητησεις και στη σχετική επιμονή μου να μην καταλαβείνω πως γυναίκες πολύ υψηλής μόρφωσης και γαλουχιμένες στη χώρα που οι γυναικες ήταν οι πρώτες που ψηφίσαν στην ευρώπη και από τις πιο απελευθερωμένες, πως; Η απάντηση κοινή και από τις τρεις σε διαφορετικούς χρόνους: Μα αυτό ακριβώς μας δίδαξε το κοράνι, οτι η απελευθέρωσή μας φτάνει σε τέτοιο σημειο ώστε να κάνουμε την επιλογή να την δεσμεύσουμε!!!!
No comment!!!!

American Crusader said...

Thanks for visiting..I wish I could read more of the comments posted here. I did see mentioned the Stockholm Syndrome but to me it seems that is unlikely.

Ecumene said...

@American Crusader

Yes she denies that...

I say maybe the "Newcomer Syndrome"...


Wellcome my friend...
that 's the general point ..

Καλως όρισες...
Το Ρασούλιο μυστηριο

@Free a rational, intelligent way...!
maybe you have the way to communicate...


Aναρωτιεμαι τι θα γινει
αν καποιες επαναστατησουν....
Περιμενω με χαρα την ερευνα σου
για αυτα τα θεματα στη Φινλανδία..

About the fatwa..

Under the reformist President Mohammad Khatami, who was elected in 1997, Iran’s leadership has distanced itself from the order to kill Rushdie........

but a senior official said: “The original fatwa was issued by Ayatollah Khomeini shortly before he died. It can only be rescinded by the man who issued it or a higher authority so in practice it will hold indefinitely.

January 20, 2005

Ecumene said...


Here is a comment from
a muslim blog

Sanja said...

Ergotelina, i couldn't put comment on your site since i'm not "blogger" :)

This is what i was going to put:

One thing i know about her is that she criticizes Arab (supposedly muslim ones) leaders for kneeling in front of America, and she is right about this. Otherwise, i don't know. But as someone else pointed out, IF she is saying that Christians and Jews should live under Islamic law, this is a big no-no. Islam and Islamic law cannot be forced onto anybody. If you would recall the Islamic empire, Christians and Jews that lived in muslim lands at that time actually had their own laws, their own judges, courts, government, and could also use muslim courts and such if they wanted. However, they had to pay small amount of money if they wanted to live in peace with muslims, and that amount of money was actually less than what muslims have to give for charity (as a part of Islam). There is no compulsion in religion.

Basem Soufi

Ecumene said...

Timely because of the
air-terrorists case..
a big discuss
is being held
in UK

Will Britain convert to Islam?

Could Islam one day become the established church of Britain? Might English women adopt the headscarves and enveloping robes of their Asian sisters, as the call to prayer rises and falls across the slate roofs of rainswept industrial cities?

The idea is not as impossible, as bizarre or distant as you might think. An astonishing Channel 4 programme last week - The Last White Kids — showed two English children who live in an entirely Muslim district becoming enthusiastic attenders at the local mosque, wrapping themselves in Islamic draperies and learning the Koran.....

So if eventually Britain begins to sicken of strong lager, pools of vomit, Bacardi Breezers, bouncers looming on every High Street, the battlefields in the streets of many towns on Friday and Saturday nights, ecstasy tablets, cocaine, football-worship, pregnant 12-year-olds, morning-after pills and all that goes with them, is it possible that puritan Islam will be the cause that benefits?

If bureaucratic police and feeble justice continue to fail to suppress crime and disorder, will the savage but simple remedies of Sharia law begin to appeal to the British poor, who are already weary of seeing dishonesty triumph everywhere and lawless violence go unchecked?....

The idea of an Islamic Britain may seem highly unlikely now, amid what still seems to be more or less a Western, Christian society. We are used to thinking of Islam as a religion of backward regions, and of backward people.

But we should remember that Muslim armies came within inches of taking Vienna in 1683 and were only driven from Spain in 1492. In those days it was the Islamic world that was making the great scientific advances which we now assume are ours by right.

And is it any more unlikely than the things which have happened here in the past 40 years, during which a country of peaceful, self-restrained, lawful and rather prudish men and women has been transformed into the land of sex and swearing on TV, ladettes, semi-legal cannabis and armed police?

If we don't respect our own customs and religion, we may end up, as Ashlene and Amie Gallagher have done, respecting someone else's. Don't be surprised.

Ecumene said...

Turning Muslim In The UK

Ecumene said...

Religion Statistics in UK(Census 2001)

Ecumene said...


Even NSA
spends so much time
to understand those people....

Openly say...terrorists...

but in their "thinking-labs"....

they try hard to understand...

i have also scare to give money to church, i don't know where goes.....

Belinha Fernandes said...

Hello Ergotelina!Bom fim de semana! Eu tento ficar longe do computador.Os meus olhos estão cansados.Já marquei no médico mas tenho de esperar quase uma semana.Coloquei novas colagens!


Ecumene said...

About the church
The Scandal of the Church's Support of War
by John Dear

Ecumene said...

Is Liebermann bigger than Bill?.....

Clinton says Iraq invasion was a big mistake

Ecumene said...

Clinton criticizes israeli lebanon war policy

Ecumene said...

Every Religion has its fanatics
the pros and the cons

Wasn't that guy a TERRORIST

Oklahoma City bombing.
The bombing, which claimed 168 lives, is considered the deadliest incident of domestic terrorism in U.S. history to date...

..McVeigh stated he decapitated an Iraqi soldier with cannon fire on his first day in the war, and celebrated. But he said he later was shocked to be ordered to execute surrendering prisoners, and to see carnage on the road leaving Kuwait City after U.S. troops routed the Iraqi army....

The Timothy McVeigh Story: The Oklahoma Bomber

Ecumene said...







Ανδρομεδα said...

Χμ! Σε σκέψεις με έβαλες...

Ecumene said...

Kαλως ηρθες Ανδρομεδα...

ολα τα ψαχνουμε..ολα τα μαχαιρωνουμε..


Good News for Lebanon!They beat Venezuela 72-82 in Japanese Mundobasket

Ecumene said...

Conspiracy Hypothesis.........
Did Chavez help Lebanon to win?...

Belinha Fernandes said...

Hello Ergotelina!

"Pieds-de-Poule" is the padron of the fabric.Most usual is black and white.My mother was a dress maker and told me that.

:-) Thanks for visitting...and so many comments!!!

Belinha Fernandes said...

Me again.Above, it's not "padron",it's "pattern".Flying Nun was a TV series starring sally Field.It seems it was quite popular in USA...But did not inspired me at all for the collage.It's so funny to get other persons impressions on collage.Mauricio wrote that Sportswear was a air-hostess( hospedeira de bordo),I don't know the word!

Betty Coltrane said...

Hey!! The discussion is really hot now!! Take a break, relax, and let's all be friends! =)

It's a very delicate subject - i think it takes much more than a blog to even reach the surface of it... I will not enter the discussion - my point of view is to personal. I don't know enough to have a valid opinion...

Lina, queres aprender português porque sabes espanhol... Faz sentido! Sabes que os portugueses são muito sensíveis quando há misturas com os espanhóis! Países irmãos, sim, mas com calma! Por isso, se algum dia quiseres fazer zangar um português, é só dizeres que Portugal é uma província de Espanha!!! LOLOLOL!!

If there's any hard words, ask! ;)

Big Kiss!!!

És tu na fotografia? :)

Deepak Gopi said...

Hi nice to meet you after another face lift.
I was bit busy for a week ,so that I could not immediately respond
hope you dont mind.
My favorite bolly movie=Mere Sapney
(joking). "Sholay" is my most favorite.I have seen it more than 65 times.You must also try it once.
Kagaz ke Phool,Parinda ,Sathya....
are some of my other favorite ones.

Ecumene said...


we also say
patrón...for pattern....
but in spanish and portuguese
means also "the Boss"....


i have only seen "Bollywood-Hollywood"
maybe you don't like that parody....
i expect from your blog to learn
more about...


Thank you for your
Ahora estoy una Marrana convertida................


Seguramente serían irritados esos niños

Belinha Fernandes said...

Hello!I saw that you tried the Short message box first!Ok, it works!And yes, the boss in portuguese is patrão!

Have a nice Sunday!

Ecumene said...

Bom Domingo Patrona Belinha.....

Here is another Controversy
about Yvonne Ridley


Pop Culture in the Name of Islam
Monday, April 24, 2006

I FEEL very uncomfortable about the pop culture which is growing around some so-called Nasheed artists. Of course I use the term ‘Nasheed artists' very lightly. Islamic ‘boy bands' and Muslim ‘popsters' would probably be more appropriate.
Eminent scholars throughout history have often opined that music is haram, and I don't recall reading anything about the Sahaba whooping it up to the sound of music. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for people letting off steam, but in a dignified manner and one which is appropriate to their surroundings.
The reason I am expressing concern is that just a few days ago at a venue in Central London, sisters went wild in the aisles as some form of pop-mania swept through the concert venue. And I'm not just talking about silly, little girls who don't know any better; I am talking about sisters in their 20's, 30's and 40's, who squealed, shouted, swayed and danced. Even the security guys who looked more like pipe cleaners than bulldozers were left looking dazed and confused as they tried to stop hijabi sisters from standing on their chairs. Of course the stage groupies did not help at all as they waved and encouraged the largely female Muslim crowd to "get up and sing along." (They're called ‘Fluffers' in lap-dancing circles!)
The source of all this adulation was British-born Sami Yusuf, who is so proud of his claret-colored passport that he wants us all to wave the Union Jacks. I'm amazed he didn't encourage his fans to sing "Land of Hope and Glory." Brother Sami asked his audience to cheer if they were proud to be British ,and when they responded loudly, he said he couldn't hear them and asked them to cheer again.
How can anyone be proud to be British? Britain is the third most hated country in the world. The Union Jack is drenched in the blood of our brothers and sisters across Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine. Our history is steeped in the blood of colonialism, rooted in slavery, brutality, torture, and oppression. And we haven't had a decent game of soccer since we lifted the World Cup in 1966....................

read more

Haram means Forbidden
Nasheed... capella muslim songs
accompanied only by a drum known as a daff


Ecumene said...

Open Letter From Sami Yusuf to Yvonne Riddley


"Dear Yvonne,

Peace and blessings of God be upon you.

Your recent article on ‘Pop Culture in the Name of Islam’ has been brought to my attention. I commend you for voicing your opinion and raising some very important issues – albeit in a very provocative manner. I thought it would be useful to share some of my thoughts with you on this matter.

As a Muslim artist, I regularly seek clarification and advice from world-renowned scholars on art, music, singing and culture. Be informed that the subject of music is one of the most controversial topics in Islamic Jurisprudence. I respect those who consider music to be haram. Yes eminent scholars of our past have opined such. However, I respect and follow the opinion of other eminent scholars – classical and contemporary, who permit singing and the use of musical instruments. The well-established jurisprudential rule states that ‘in matters where there is ikhtilaf (differences of opinion) there is to be no condemnation of either opinion.’ This is from the beauty of the religion of Islam. The diversity of our cultural, legal and social traditions is something we are in dire need of celebrating not condemning. So let’s agree to disagree on this one.

The obsessive fascination of fans towards any celebrity - be it in arts, music, politics, media, etc - to the point of hysteria and hero-worshipping is definitely unhealthy not to mention un-Islamic. Of course, as Muslims, we are required to abide by certain etiquettes in whatever situation we may find ourselves in. However, I definitely did not see girls dancing or behaving indecently in any of my concerts. To state otherwise is a gross exaggeration if not an outright fallacy. And if indeed that did take place then let’s deal with it in the true Prophetic tradition - a tradition that imparts love, mercy, tolerance and wisdom. Let me share with you the story of the Bedouin who came to the Prophet’s mosque and started urinating in the mosque itself. The Companions rushed to grab him and give him a ‘good beating.’ But the Prophet did not allow them to do so and told them to let him be. After the Bedouin had urinated, the Prophet asked his Companions to bring a bucket of water and wash the place. Afterwards he called the man and with gentleness and affection explained to him that this was a place of worship and that it should be kept clean. Though I have to say that had the Bedouin been around today he would be lucky to get away with just..."

Yvonne Ridley on Sami Yusuf(

Dimitris Stefosis said...

Ήθελα να στείλω e-mail, αλλά δε βρίσκω τη διεύθυνση... Απλά το SocioThoughts... μετακόμισε... σε νέα διεύθυνση...
Υπόσχομαι ότι λίαν συντόμως θα έχω το χρόνο να σχολιάσω εκτεταμένως τα πολύ σοβαρά θέματα που θίγεις...

Ecumene said...
Here is another traitor.
Craig Murray

As Britain's outspoken Ambassador to the Central
Asian Republic of Uzbekistan, Craig Murray helped
expose vicious human rights abuses by the
US-funded regime of Islam Karimov. He is now
a prominent critic of Western policy in the region.
August 14, 2006
The UK Terror plot: what's really going on?

Ecumene said...

Το Ουζμπεκιστάν και το Λυκόφως των Νεοσυντηρητικών

Toυ Δημήτρη Σκάλκου

...Ο πρώην βρετανός πρεσβευτής στο Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, είναι αποκαλυπτικός: «Στο Foreign Office με προετοίμασαν με μαθήματα γλώσσας, κανείς όμως δεν ανέφερε ποτέ τους δέκα χιλιάδες πολιτικούς και θρησκευτικούς κρατουμένους»....

Ο Δημήτρης Σκάλκος είναι πολιτικός επιστήμονας-διεθνολόγος, στέλεχος του φιλελεύθερου χώρου.

Ecumene said...

Fear-mongering leads to anti-Arab hysteria on airplanes by Glenn Greenwald

Ecumene said...

Δημητρη πως το παθες;
και εκανες delete το blog?
η διευθυνση που εδωσες
δε λειτουργει
και πρεπει να ναι αυτη

Ecumene said...

It's not just about Iraq.There is a civil war raging within Islam against a more moderate, progressive, western-friendly approach to faith. It is a war by hard-liners against all westerners, including more moderate Muslims.

Ecumene said...

I'm No "Moderate" Muslim
Saturday, August 19, 2006

ABOUT a week ago a Muslim brother whom I befriended in my college days e-mailed me a summary of an 88-page document detailing this government's attempt at isolating a "moderate" stream of Islam, which the author thinks is consonant with democratic civil society and international law.
"Civil Democratic Islam: Partners, Resources and Strategies", a global strategic treatise published by the RAND Corporation, calls for the U.S. and its European allies to support "moderate" or "modernist" Muslims against "fundamentalists" and "traditionalists", and offers concrete suggestions on how to deal with them. Cheryl Benard, the sole author of this report, is a sociologist who stakes her premise as follows: the Islamic world is embroiled in an ideological battle over "lifestyle" and "value" issues of which the U.S. government and the rest of the "civilized" world must respond to in order to "tease" out a particular "spectrum" of the Muslim Ummah whose values are compatible with a democratic social order. Consequently, the U.S. government, in its mission to "...influence the outcome of this struggle", should employ tactics that aim to encourage "...elements within the Islamic mix..." that, in her opinion, ensure global peace and security. In addition, the U.S. should actively encourage "mortal combat" among those elements of the Muslim Ummah whose anti-democratic values threaten global security and social order.

There can be no doubt that non-Muslim readers will applaud her detailed analysis of each Muslim typology and her characterization of "value" systems commensurate with each typology, along with her careful treatment of sources. Muslim readers, on the other hand, will attest to its intended purpose of highlighting social trends deemed detrimental to Western military, economic and cultural interests in the Islamic world. The BBC summed up the paper's objective in these words: "The Rand approach is more overtly political and has definite diplomatic gains in mind". On closer inspection, the stated objectives of the document appears quite similar to those put forward by 19th century Orientalists who worked closely with colonial governments of Western Europe.

I'm No "Moderate" Muslim
YOUSEF DRUMMOND The writer is a recent revert to Islam

Ecumene said...

George Gallaway leader of Respect Party
speaks on Sky News about Israel Lebanon affair

Ecumene said...

Official Yvonne Ridley 2005 election site.
with George Galloway's video message
and manifesto

Ecumene said...

Well in conclusion
Yvonne Ridley is a dynamic person
with many controversies.......

i d like to hear a conversation between Yvonne and Fatema Mernissi,a Moroccan feminist writer and sociologist
who was born muslim

Ecumene said...

Aντισημίτες και ισλαμοφασίστες
Εκτός από τον πόλεμο των βομβών και των πυραύλων, στη Μέση Ανατολή μαίνεται κι ένας πόλεμος των λέξεων.

Ecumene said...

Οταν ασπάστηκε το Ισλάμ πριν από έξι χρόνια, ο Νίκολας Λοκ αντιμετώπισε άμεσα δύο δυσκολίες. Η μία ήταν η επιθετική επιφυλακτικότητα του πατέρα του, ενός Αγγλου καθηγητή και αποφοίτου της Οξφόρδης, ο οποίος τον ρώτησε ειρωνικά εάν η οικογένεια απέκτησε αίφνης «ένα νεοφώτιστο» μέλος και στη συνέχεια μαγείρευε χοιρινό κάθε βράδυ επί μία εβδομάδα. Η δεύτερη, και ενδεχομένως η σοβαρότερη, ήταν ο άπληστος καιροσκοπισμός με τον οποίο τον αντιμετώπισαν διάφορες μουσουλμανικές οργανώσεις όταν έφθασε στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Λιντς για να σπουδάσει. Επεσαν επάνω του σαν να ήταν ο άσωτος υιός.

Ο κ. Λοκ παρομοίασε ορισμένες από αυτές τις οργανώσεις που τον πλησίασαν με ομάδες θρησκευτικής λατρείας, όπως η Χιζμπ ουτ Ταχρίρ, που ενώ διακηρύττει ότι είναι κατά της βίας τάσσεται υπέρ της καθιέρωσης ενός χαλιφάτου, ενός είδους πανισλαμικής κυβέρνησης, γι’ αυτό και έχει κηρυχθεί εκτός νόμου σε ορισμένες χώρες της Μέσης Ανατολής.......................

Η πιο γνωστή γυναίκα που ασπάσθηκε τον ισλαμισμό είναι ίσως η Υβόνη Ρίντλεϊ, πρώην ανταποκρίτρια της Sunday Express, η οποία άρχισε να μελετά το Ισλάμ μετά την απαγωγή της από Ταλιμπάν στο Αφγανιστάν το 2001. Σήμερα παρουσιάζει καθημερινή εκπομπή στο Ισλαμικό Κανάλι, φοράει μαντίλα που καλύπτει τα μαλλιά και τον λαιμό της και τονίζει ότι το Ισλάμ είναι γι’ αυτήν ένα καλό αντίδοτο στην ελευθεριότητα της Δύσης.

Εύκολοι στόχοι

Πολλοί νεοφώτιστοι δεν έχουν κανένα ενδιαφέρον για την πολιτική, αλλά για ανθρώπους σαν την κ. Ρίντλεϊ, που δηλώνει ότι «ο πόλεμος κατά της τρομοκρατίας είναι πόλεμος κατά του Ισλάμ», η θρησκεία είναι συνυφασμένη με την πολιτική. Ολο και περισσότεροι μουσουλμάνοι υιοθετούν αυτήν την άποψη, περιλαμβανομένων των νεοφώτιστων.

Οπως επισημαίνει η κ. Ρίντλεϊ, για τους λευκούς νέους άνδρες από οικονομικά προβληματικές περιοχές του βορρά, το Ισλάμ απευθύνεται στον ανδρισμό τους, προσφέροντάς τους καταφύγιο και σταθερή πολιτική βάση από την οποία θα απορρίψουν την παράδοσή τους. «Πολλοί ασπάζονται μια άλλη θρησκεία όταν σημειώνονται αλλαγές στη ζωή τους και αναμφίβολα υπάρχουν εξτρεμιστές που βλέπουν τους νεοφώτιστους ως καλούς στόχους της στρεβλής ιδεολογίας τους» τονίζει ο κ. Μπερτ και καταλήγει: «Είναι σημαντικό να τους πλησιάσει κανείς τον καιρό που ετοιμάζονται να ασπαστούν τη νέα θρησκεία, οπότε βρίσκονται σε έντονη συναισθηματική και συγκινησιακή κατάσταση».

Ο «νεοφώτιστος» ισλαμικός εξτρεμισμός
Οργανώσεις στη Βρετανία προσεγγίζουν νεαρούς που άλλαξαν πρόσφατα θρήσκευμα The New York Times

Ecumene said...

August 16, 2006

When he converted to Islam six years ago, said Nicholas Lock, now 24, he faced two immediate hurdles. One was the passive-aggressive hostility of his father, an English professor and Oxford graduate who mockingly asked, "Do we have a convert on our hands?" and then proceeded to cook pork for dinner - bacon, sausages, minced pork - every night for a week.

The other, and more potentially difficult in its way, was the greedily opportunistic reaction of various Muslim groups to Lock when he arrived at the University of Leeds to begin his studies that fall. Sensing fresh blood, they fell upon him as if he were a prodigal son.

British converts to Islam face 2 kinds of hurdles By Sarah Lyall The New York Times

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